
2014-11-07 8:14 pm

1.圖書館已經報左警 , 警察將會捉佢既機會有幾大?
2.如果告得入 , 會點判法? 19歲 , 無案底 , 在學

回答 (3)

2014-11-08 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am not really certain about what you have said.

a. How do you know the library has reported to the police?

b. How does the library know what materials have been stolen?

In answering your questions:

1. Zero (no chance).

Many security devices can sound off the library's security system. Unless your friend was caught at the spot (with the stolen books), it will be difficult to prove your friend, at the time, have stolen books.

Remember, each material has its own unique barcode.

Also - based on the above, it will be difficult to identify the stolen materials as evidence.

2. Fine with community service. Fine is the standard penalty. Community service is based on the damage to the community.

3. No - not related.

2014-11-07 19:50:18 補充:
1. Still no.

2. The CCTV footage establishes suspicion for searching. However, since putting a book into the bag is not illegal per se, the footage itself will not be the incriminating evidence.

2014-11-07 19:54:44 補充:
Let me make this simple - unless the materials are confirmed removed from the libraray right outside the library, there is no way the Department of Justice can get a conviction.

All other evidence are circumstantial, which they link to a possible stealing, but not convincing enough to incriminate.

2014-11-07 19:59:56 補充:
A note for the CCTV footage - even the CCTV has captured a possible issue, remember CCTV has its blind spots as well. These blind spots are the reasonable doubts of the case.

This is why the person must be caught on scene with the stolen materials in order to get a conviction.
2014-11-08 12:22 am
1. 到現在沒有警察找上門拘捕只是因為當天沒有線索, 假如偷書當日被 cctv 錄影了樣貌, 而你朋友再正式借及還也錄影到樣貌, 那麼警察可憑借書紀錄查出你朋友而上門拘捕。

2. 如果入罪的話, 由於初犯及已歸還, 相信判罰款留案底機會極大。

3. 再借再還只是部份求情理由, 可以用當天受藥物影響(例如: 頭痛)做借口, 誤以為自己已經辦好借書手續, 回家後才發覺沒有辦借書手續, 才回去辦正式手續。
2014-11-07 8:52 pm

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