How should Christians respond to homosexuality?

2014-11-05 10:39 pm
I am not offended by homosexuality even though I believe in Christ. Since the Bible says it is wrong, how are Christians to interact and love gay people? The comments that some Christians make have nothing to do with LOVE so please give crystal clear examples of your thoughts, if you are a Christian, on how we as people who are supposed to show love can show it SINCERELY to gay people without making God angry? Like I said, if it wasn't for god having a problem with it I wouldn't be bothered at all by it even though I am not at all gay myself. Answers that simply state that homosexuality is wrong are not helpful and DO NOT answer the question. I want to see that people have given it thought, like imagine you find out a best friend or relative is gay.

回答 (13)

2014-11-06 11:24 am
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How can Christians do anything really? You know how many things they do that the bible tells them not to? The question to Christians should be, "Why do you pick this particular sin, homosexuality, to harp on?" All my life that's all I can remember, people making a big issue on gays? They made fun of them, tormented them. From kindergarten I remember hearing it. It was mostly the defenseless kids they'd go after. The kids didn't even know they were gay yet. Of course the straight kids knew and would torment them, even though this was the age they'd start teaching straights, everyone about god. It's a sick world out there and Christians can be just as sick, despite what they want you to believe. Religion is a form of mental illness.
2014-11-06 10:14 am
THE practice of homosexuality continues to gain acceptance in many lands. A group in one church in the United States is calling for a reinterpretation of what the Bible says about homosexuality in light of “contemporary wisdom.” A pastor in Brazil who recently entered into a same-sex marriage also encouraged “taking a fresh look at the Bible,” so as to allow for his church’s contemporary view.
On the other hand, those who do not approve of homosexual acts are often tagged as homophobic or prejudiced. What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?

What Does the Bible Say?

God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene.”—Romans 1:26, 27

Why does the Bible describe homosexual acts as unnatural and obscene? Because they involve sexual activity that was not intended by our Creator. Homosexual acts cannot produce offspring. The Bible compares homosexual activity to the sexual relations that rebellious angels, who came to be known as demons, had with women before the Deluge of Noah’s day. (Genesis 6:4; 19:4, 5; Jude 6, 7) God views both acts as unnatural.

What Is God’s Will for People With Homosexual Desires?

The Bible assures us that God’s will is that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) Though the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not encourage hatred of homosexuals.
God’s view of homosexuality cannot be watered down. At 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, the Bible clearly states that “men who lie with men” are included in those who “will not inherit God’s kingdom.” But verse 11 adds the comforting thought: “And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean, but you have been sanctified, but you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.”

See for more info,
2014-11-05 11:10 pm
Um I wish that was the case believe me because I don't care if people are gay. I think respect and monogamy are far more important in terms of relationships. But there are statements in the Bible that strongly display God says it's wrong so that's why I'm posing the question to Christians.
2014-11-05 10:42 pm
I'm Christian. But honestly, I don't care about your sexual preference. It's not my business to know whether or not you like ***** in your mouth.
2014-11-06 11:34 pm
"The Bible is not opposed to the acceptance of gay Christians, or to the possibility of loving relationships for them...Gay people should be a treasured part of our families and our communities, and the truly Christian response to them is acceptance, support, and love."
2014-11-06 4:53 am
The new testament never says it is wrong. And are you going to cherry pick the old testament? Have you ever eaten shrimp? Or bacon? Have you ever worked on a Sunday? Have you avoided stoning an adulterer? Have you ever worn clothing with a blended fabric? If so you are breaking other old testament rules. You admit that the old testament is an obsolete book that has too many things that no longer apply.

Follow what Jesus said about homosexuality. That is, nothing.
2014-11-06 7:17 pm
I don't think you have much choice. You have to do what the bible says, or incur God's wrath, surely? I mean, God created those people, because he created everything. Which means he created them already damned and destined for hell? The fact they can't change their ways is all part of His great plan...right? So it doesn't matter what you decide to do, because that's part of the plan too.... right. So you never had an choice in what you did anyway....right? So who cares?
I like being an Atheist. I get to make up my own mind. Gay people are fine.
2014-11-06 10:24 am
With an open heart and mind. The bible has many interpretations, and often we need to take a new perspective on old scripture. It is how religion progresses. By constantly refining our understanding of morality, we can make strides that move us from stone age ideals into the modern era. The prevailing religious view of Christians will change as the world we live in changes.
2014-11-05 11:58 pm
If God is angered about homosexuality, do you not thing that HE would have done something about it by now? It's been around for thousands of years, but just recently it has come into the public purview.
2014-11-05 10:46 pm
If you're not worried about whether or not your pastor's wife likes Anal, then you shouldn't have to worry about anyone else's preference. Just treat homosexuals like anyone else. You have to look past their gayness.
2014-11-05 10:44 pm
Christians should mind their own business and stay out of someone else's life. FYI it's not a sin, that pablum "hate the sin" served up is a silly way of saying a person is pruriently interested in condemning another person's life.
2014-11-06 5:22 am
read Corinthians chapter six to them, not only the part about homosexuals not getting into heaven but the following part that said " such as were some of you" indicating that there were successfully delivered EX-homosexuals in the early Corinthian church.
2014-11-05 10:55 pm
Listen the boible does not think that is wrong, it is common for peopletp think this but realy the bible doesnt say this and jesus and god say that they accept all people

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