
2014-11-06 5:07 am
中英不限 25字以內

回答 (3)

2014-11-11 2:47 am
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2014-11-09 9:35 pm
2014-11-07 2:34 am
Narcotics slogan

1, anti-virus anti-drug is everyone's responsibility.

2, to eliminate the scourge of drugs, for the benefit of future generations!

3, say no to drugs, power in the interest of future generations.

4, resist drugs in anti-drug!

5, the party mobilize the whole society to act anti-drug fight a people's war.

6, rigorously enforce anti-drug, crack down on drug-related crimes.

7, fight against drugs, and build a harmonious society.

8, toxic will Gansu, will punish drug trafficking, toxic species will study, drugs must be rehabilitated.

9, the poison must not, Narcotics than!

10, drug harmful to health.

11, anti-drug work is everyone's responsibility!

12, the drug must not, Narcotics than!

13, to remove poison, the country.

14, resist drugs, away from the poison.

15, guilty of drug trafficking, drug shameful!

16, positive action, to fight a people's war against drugs!

17, to carry out activities to create a drug-free campus, guaranteeing the Pure Land.

18, enhanced virus awareness, resist drugs Jeopardy!

19, to participate in the fight against drugs, building a harmonious society!

20, James Mok drugs, drug delivery Mo Friends.

21, drug abuse and trafficking harm to others, Narcotics antivirus benefits the country!

22, drug abuse is the bane of crime.

23, to eliminate the danger of drugs, create a safe, Fenggang.

24, according to anti-drug and harmonious!
25, four ban simultaneously, prevention-oriented, strict law enforcement, comprehensive way.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:08:56
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