Could I have gotten pregnant from precum?

2014-11-05 1:16 am
MY bf and I were naked and he wanted to do anal but while we were doing it he stuck his penis in my vagina to get more wet and he had pre *** on his penis. There was no penetration but im still really worried that the pre *** could have gotten me pregnant. He came in my mouth but is it possible to get pregnant if some sperm leaked into my underwear? Im very scared so if anybody could put my mind at ease please help!! Thanks so much

回答 (4)

2014-11-06 9:53 pm
You are fine, very little semen in precum
2014-11-05 1:34 am
While it is possible, the way you described it ie: no penetration, it's very unlikely. I'm not a doctor, but there is the possibility of pregnancy.
2014-11-05 1:25 am
Or wait till your next period
2014-11-05 1:24 am
Prec*m is just like c*m. it can get you pregnant, so take the chance and see a doctor
參考: Yall are freaky tho. i like : )

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