Poll: What is your favorite thing about winter?

2014-11-04 4:53 pm

回答 (53)

2014-11-04 6:39 pm
Snow storms that gives everyone a chance to stay home for a few days.
2014-11-04 5:07 pm
That I spend winter in a warm place.
2014-11-04 5:01 pm
Hockey season
2014-11-04 4:56 pm
It's over in about 90 days.
2014-11-04 4:55 pm
the fireplace gets lit, hot cocoa, get to bake sweets, and snow I get to bundle the little ones up let them play in snow then treat them to hot cocoa and cookies :)
2014-11-04 4:54 pm
Lying on the couch with a warm blanket
2014-11-09 10:06 am
2014-11-07 9:25 pm
2014-11-07 5:28 pm
Spring is on the way!
I hate Winter. Next life, I'm planning to come back as a hedgehog!
2014-11-06 9:04 pm
2014-11-06 6:59 pm
Warm food
2014-11-06 3:25 pm
Warm food
2014-11-06 11:21 am
My favourite thing about winter is the snow and the good sleep I get because it's dark and cool which is perfect for me.
2014-11-06 10:48 am
perky melons
2014-11-06 8:46 am
2014-11-06 7:41 am
2014-11-06 5:13 am
2014-11-06 1:38 am
2014-11-05 10:25 pm
2014-11-05 9:52 pm
The Christmas spirit is never far away when it's cold or there's snowy weather. Christmas is a happy time for the whole family.
2014-11-05 9:33 pm
Warm food
2014-11-05 9:23 pm
Warm food
2014-11-05 5:33 pm
2014-11-05 4:55 pm
2014-11-05 4:28 pm
Warm food
2014-11-05 2:35 pm
Warm food
2014-11-05 12:34 pm
outside cold weather and candle -light
2014-11-05 12:19 pm
2014-11-05 10:53 am
2014-11-05 10:25 am
Warm food
2014-11-05 8:50 am
2014-11-05 8:27 am
Hockey season
2014-11-05 5:51 am
Christmas ! :p
2014-11-05 2:35 am
Hockey season
2014-11-05 12:24 am
2014-11-04 7:58 pm
Kickin it in a warm house, SNOW DAYS FROM SCHOOL, that's the best! :D, sledding, Christmas, My Birthday, Hot Cocoa, Snow.
2014-11-04 7:44 pm
Hot Chocolate
參考: God bless you
2014-11-04 7:28 pm
My heating is busted and I'm trying to rediscover how I enjoyed no heating
in my room when growing up - It'll come back to me ?
2014-11-04 7:06 pm
sleeping under lap
2014-11-04 6:38 pm
The snow and i do not have to go out, just laze around all day doing nothing.
2014-11-04 5:59 pm
winter is good babby making weather
2014-11-04 5:43 pm
Living in Florida, where winters are very mild.....!!
2014-11-04 5:26 pm
Cuddling season.
2014-11-04 5:22 pm
The snow.
2014-11-04 5:11 pm
I live in a place where the winters are pretty harsh, but I enjoy it very much. I love getting firewood, snowball fights, sledding, hot chocolate with schnapps sometimes, winter recreational sports, family and good food during the holidays, I don't even mind plowing snow that much. It's a very nice time for me.
2014-11-04 5:05 pm
my favorite seasonal item at trader joe's will be coming back
and i like how the scenery looks after it snows, looks all clean in white
2014-11-04 5:01 pm
shopping new clothes
2014-11-04 5:00 pm
the cold.
2014-11-04 4:59 pm
cold wheather. i live in Hawaii so it's not really cold here at all but if you ever even visited you would know it is humid and if you come on bad days their is no wind and it extremely humid to the point that it feels like it's 100 degrees when it's only in the high 80's. when it gets closer to winter time the wheather starts getting colder. right now it's pretty cold here for us.

other then that i honestly don't care for winter because like every other holiday it is dead here. they do put up decorations and what not but it's always the same things. have you ever seen those pictures where they do a contrast of when they was X years old and go their doing the same pic but like 20 years older? this is like our xmas pictures but it's yearly contrast.
2014-11-04 4:55 pm
Nothing really..
2014-11-04 4:55 pm
Carnevale in Venice, Italy
2014-11-04 4:54 pm
2014-11-04 4:54 pm

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