中翻譯英,5分 急

2014-11-05 7:15 am

回答 (4)

2014-11-06 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
我們接受如這項「銷售日期」是hide的,而不是取消。而且不會影響系統的運算。此外,我們需要教懂同事在系統使用步驟。翻譯:If it is to hide and not to delete this item of "date of sale" and the computation of the system is not affected, we will accept. Moreover, it is necessary that we teach the staff members to understand the steps in using the system.
2014-11-07 2:34 am
We accept as the "sale date" is the hide, rather than canceled. And does not affect the operation of the system. In addition, we need to teach my colleagues understand the system using the steps.
2014-11-06 2:31 pm
由於中文版本在意思上有很大的問題,這大大影響了 知識長 譯文的質素。

It could be related to the use of Excel, where you can "hide" or "unhide" a column or row of data (e.g. "date of sale"). Of course, hiding a set of data will not affect the computation.


2014-11-07 01:53:09 補充:
我們需要教懂同事(員工) ... idiomatic use of "necessary" and "essential"

It is necessary (for us) to teach our colleagues 同事

It is essential that we teach the staff members 員工
It is essential to teach the staff members
2014-11-05 8:24 am
We accept that the "date of sale" is hidden and cannot be seen, rather than concealed and cancelled, which will not affect the system's operation. We need to teach colleagues how to assess the system.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:23:19
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