有關英文Grammar 問題一問

2014-11-05 4:03 am
我由八時開始吃dinner 直至九點,係九點二十分講"I just had dinner." ,我係九點二十分講"I just had dinner." 因為九點同九點二十分不是太耐。想問下我咁樣去理解有無錯。

回答 (5)

2014-11-15 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is OK in the sense of time.
But it is not very good in grammar:
My suggestion: I had just had/finished my dinner.

In general, English is not Math, so teachers will always tell us that we don't need to care so much about the time.
e.g. noon = [Math] 12:00:00
[Eng] around 12 o'clock

My conclusion: just - 你做完lee樣之後,做左一至兩樣野,就可以用just

Hope I can help you ^_^

2014-11-14 19:58:05 補充:
My suggestion: I [have] just had/finished my dinner.

Usage of "present perfect tense":
When that action/event affects your beings now, and it is in the past, not very long time ago

2014-11-14 19:59:47 補充:
My suggestion is 英式英語.
參考: ME, ME, ME
2014-11-11 12:02 pm
"The dinner just finished.
Did I eat yet my dinner ?
I have had dinner just."

純文法角度去看, 請教讀者上面的三句是否對?

The dinner just finished = Someone just finished the dinner??
active 與 passive 無分別?

2014-11-11 04:19:49 補充:

I just had dinner. ~ 美國人講多

I have just had my dinner. ~ 英國人講
I have just finished my dinner.
2014-11-05 5:19 am
The present perfect is the form of a verb that shows a period of time up to and including the present, formed in English with the present tense of the verb 'have' ,as in "I have had' and a past participle: when it is 8:00----9:00 p.m.
Just, already, yet are used with the simple past tense:
The dinner just finished.
I already had dinner.
Did I eat yet my dinner ?
The dinner had just finished.
I have already had dinner.
I have had dinner just.
I have dinner from eight o'clock to nine o'clock.
I have eat dinner yet.
I ate dinner when it is 8:00 to9:00 p.m.
參考: hope can help you...
2014-11-05 4:33 am
The present perfect is the form of a verb that shows a period of time up to and including the present, formed in English with the present tense of the verb"have' ,as in "I have had" and a past participle.8:00----9:00----9:20 pm when (09:20-09:00=00:20 min.)
Time adverbs just, already, and yet are often used with the simple past tense:-
The dinner just finished.
I already had dinner.
Did I eat yet my dinner ?
The dinner had just finished.
I have already had dinner.
Have I eaten dinner yet ?
I have had dinner just.(emphazing adverb just)
2014-11-05 4:32 am
yes, you are correct

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