Wheat Bread or White Bread? Why?

2014-11-03 2:08 pm

回答 (26)

2014-11-03 5:27 pm
I really like white bread in some particular sandwiches when it is fresh.
For most bread Wholemeal will suit me
Wheat breads are too expensive for the amounts I eat
2014-11-03 2:15 pm
Whole wheat/whole grain bread is healthier than even enriched white bread. You do have to check the labels on breads to be sure that Wheat Flour is not the first ingredient. Whole grain breads have more fiber in them than white bread. Some whole grain bread have more of many nutrients in them.
2014-11-03 2:09 pm
Wheat (whole grain) bread. White bread turns to a glue ball in your stomach because it has so little nutritional value.
2014-11-11 1:07 am
White bread for me. Wheat is too dry.
2014-11-10 3:01 am
white bread it is good in all aspects
2014-11-09 11:32 pm
white bread it is good in all aspects
2014-11-09 11:14 pm
White bread for me. Wheat is too dry.
2014-11-09 10:18 pm
white bread it is good in all aspects
2014-11-09 12:23 pm
white bread it is good in all aspects
2014-11-07 5:20 pm
Wheat Bread....... Taste Good
2014-11-07 1:26 am
white bread it is good in all aspects
2014-11-06 9:41 pm
White bread for me. Wheat is too dry.
2014-11-06 5:19 pm
White bread for me. Wheat is too dry.
2014-11-05 12:38 pm
Wheat Bread, Because its healthful for us..
2014-11-05 12:05 pm
Wheat bread because I feel a little bit more healthier when eating it haha. :)
2014-11-04 2:57 pm
white bread it is good in all aspects
2014-11-04 1:32 pm
White bread for me. Wheat is too dry.
2014-11-04 12:09 pm
Wheat Bread....... Taste Good
2014-11-04 4:57 am
Wheat Bread will be better in all aspects.
2014-11-04 3:56 am
wheat since it brakes down more slowly giving your body the energy when it needs it. White bread is pretty much converted to sugar right away.
White bread does taste a little better especially if in a lunch bag but wheat is better for you to eat.
2014-11-03 9:38 pm
Whole grain is healthy and Sara Lee's whole grain bread is delicious.
2014-11-03 7:35 pm
I usually eat whole-wheat bread (or whole-wheat grains mixed with other whole grains) if possible since it's much healthier**, but sourdough bread is healthy too.
And "white" breads like kaiser rolls, baguettes, ciabatta rolls, etc, are great for occasional uses, if not as healthy.

Btw, It's best not to refer to whole-wheat bread as "wheat bread" because all breads made with wheat (most breads) are in fact "wheat breads."
Saying "wheat bread" won't tell you whether the wheat flour used to make a bread was "whole wheat" (whole grain) or had been stripped of the germ and bran during manufacture (and those are the healthiest parts).

Some manufacturers try to fool people into thinking their breads are whole-wheat by adding a bit of molasses to make them browner and by referring to them as "wheat bread." It's really best to understand the terminology and read labels, etc, carefully, if you want to eat whole grain products.

**There's more on all this (and how it pertains to other grains like rice, barley, oats, etc) in my previous answers here, if you're interested:

2014-11-03 5:05 pm
I only buy whole grain 12 grain bread, or, occasionally, rye or pumpernickel.
2014-11-03 5:00 pm
white bread is not good for you it containes bleached flower
2014-11-03 3:08 pm
I agree with 100% whole wheat and to check the labels. As has been said, if it says wheat or multigrain (this also goes for other foods like pasta, other breads, rice, cereal...) then it's just flavored. With multigrain, then it would have several enriched products. Whole grain is all we buy. Even if the label says made with whole wheat, it's likely not 100% whole wheat or even the first ingredient.

With bread, pasta and rice, it's all 100% whole wheat. Sure, we eat out on occasion and white flour can't be avoided. We buy the Pillsbury Artisain crust for homemade pizza, and we buy Honey Maid graham crackers, which is also a blend. However, those are treats and not eaten every day and even then, everything else they eat is 100%, so I don't feel bad and if that's the worst thing I give my kids in a day, then I'm doing good, nutrition wise.
2014-11-03 2:31 pm
Be sure that it says "whole wheat"
If it just says wheat then it is most likely white bread (with wheat flour) that has some caramel colouring.

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