
2014-11-03 12:37 am
我係十月一日丟左一個carton box,係十月五日又丟左一個carton box,我現在
講"I have thrown out two carton boxes."有無問題。我用現在完成式係因為我無講到個兩個carton boxes何時丟。

回答 (6)

2014-11-03 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have thrown away after use (=disposed) 2 carton boxes recently on Wed.1 Oct. and Sun.5 Oct. respectively.

2014-11-04 17:52:24 補充:
You have been plaguing us(=3 teachers) with silly questions on present perfect all day .Don't do that !
2014-11-12 1:08 pm
"I have thrown out two carton boxes."
In order to indicate there were two carton boxes which had been thrown away on first and fifth of October. The following are the changes in this case;
" I had been throwing away two carton boxes during first and fifth of October respectively."
參考: Myself
2014-11-05 5:33 pm
少少錯誤,你該說" I had thrown two carton boxes."

2014-11-21 08:58:00 補充:
參考: 少少錯誤,你該說” I had thrown two carton boxes.”
2014-11-04 3:27 am
少少錯誤,你該說" I had thrown two carton boxes."
2014-11-03 7:27 pm

2014-11-03 1:27 am

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