Nursing or Dental Hygiene?

2014-11-02 12:23 am
I live in CA. What kind of nurses are there? (I know that's a stupid question) I am already a dental assistant so I know the dental field pretty well and how long school would take and how much they make but any info is helpful! How much do nurses make in CA? How long does school take? I'm not really good with blood so I don't know haha.

回答 (2)

2014-11-02 4:49 am
If you're already a dental assistant I'd suggest going that path unless you don't like it. Going to another medical field will probably require a complete transfer of credits and training which means starting over.
2014-11-02 1:18 am
you would have to apply to nursing school and be accepted. I doubt any courses you took for a dental assistant would be transferable to a Nusring program

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