
2014-11-02 12:56 am


Dear Mrs XXX,

Thank you so much for your concern. He will do a operation on Sunday but he is
quite worry about his study more than his health. I hope that Miss xxx can talk to him after he come back school. Thank you

yours sincerely,

追唔上 , 希望老師有時間能跟她談談,抒緩他這個方面的壓力 這兩句應點寫呢? thank you

回答 (3)

2014-11-02 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
追唔上 - can't catch up / won't be able to catch up
抒緩壓力 - relieve stress
有時間能跟她談談 - spare some time to talk to him

I will try to keep thing close to your original.

Dear Mrs XXX,

Thank you so much for your concern. My son will undergo operation on Sunday.
As exam is approaching, he is stressing about his study rather than caring about his health. I hope that Miss xxx can spare some time to talk to him on his return as that would help relieve his stress. Thank you.

yours sincerely,
參考: Experience
2014-11-02 5:23 pm
I hope that Miss
=Fearing not catching up in class,
I hope that Mrs. xxx can have an occasion
to talk to him about
working hard in class less important than health
to release his sustained pressure.
2014-11-02 2:04 am
Hope Miss xxx can have some time to talk with him, let he released his pressure, thank you.

2014-11-01 18:05:48 補充:
Sorry, it is
Hope Miss xxx can have some time to talk with him, and let he released his pressure, thank you.
參考: myself :)

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