f.2 science

2014-11-01 1:55 am
What is the meaning of :

''Which of the following substances are present in higher percentage in breathed air than in unbreathed air?''

I am not sure what is the question asking...
plz help!! tks very much!!

回答 (1)

2014-11-02 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

breathedair : 已呼吸的空氣(指人呼吸時所呼出的氣體)
unbreathed air : 未呼吸的空氣(指普通的空氣)

''Which of the following substances are presentin higher percentage in breathed air than in unbreathed air?'' 的意思是:

Common answers are : carbon dioxide and water vapour

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