
2014-10-31 5:49 am
'I go to school do my homework' 依句有有冇錯???

回答 (6)

2014-10-31 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am going to school to do my home work.
2014-11-01 4:43 am
There are some possible answer for this question. (but I think no.1 is the best ans)

1. I go to school to do my homework.

This sentence is in present tense, and before 'do', we must add 'to' , because
there is a verb 'go' in the sentence, and one sentence shouldn't have morn than one verb. so we must add 'to' to the sentence.

2. I am going to school to do my homework.

This sentence is in future tense (either will and am going to is ok), but i think 'am going to' can express the meaning of the sentence even more better. I also add 'to' to the sentence, and the reason is same as no.1.

I think these two are the most common answer. If u have any questions, u can ask me any time, and i will reply u ASAP.

Good luck! Hope I can help u^^

2014-10-31 20:44:43 補充:
Moreover, i realized that the original sentence is ' I go to school do my home work.'
The word 'home work' should be together, because no one will say 'home work', but
參考: myself
2014-11-01 2:15 am
It should be:
'I go to school to do my homework.'
There are 2 mistakes:
a)you should add 'to'
b)the sentence don't have the full-stop

參考: me
2014-11-01 1:52 am
除了漏了..."to" do homework這錯處外,寫的句子沒有錯字...

但是當寫go to school to "verb"時,可能要注意內容表達的用意

一般講I go to school to study...意思是我去"返學"(用present tense的含意)是"為了""讀書"(即是學習知識),所以寫I go to school未必不可以寫一件個別事件(要做的事)。
2014-10-31 10:42 am
你的句子錯, miss 了一個 infinitive marker 在 do 前面,
除此之外, 還 miss 一個 the 字 (definite article) 在 school 前面

I go to the school to do my homework.

第一個 to 是 preposition, 第二個 to 是 infinitive marker.

go to school 不同 go to the school
go to school =上學
school 是 uncountable noun ~ the process of learning at a school

Where did you go to school?
Many poor children in Africa will never have the opportunity to go to school.

go to the school = 去某間學校
school 是 countable noun ~ a place where children go to be educated

Where is Joe?
He goes to the school to pick up something.

'School', like 'church', 'work', 'hospital' and a few other locations are considered social institutions, and do not take articles unless referring to the building itself.

"Go to school", is a general term and could apply to any school.
"Go to the school", refers to a specific school.

He goes to ABC Boys School. (已經指定某間學校, 不用加 "the")

如果轉了用 Present continuous tense, 意思不同
~ intend to do something
I am going to the school to do my homework.

2014-10-31 05:49:42 補充:
Now I am going to the school to do my homework.
= 現在我要去學校做功課

2014-11-02 08:02:37 補充:
"I'm going to the school today to talk to Kim's teacher.
Where did you go to school"
~ from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Can the other four 回答者 see the difference?

I go to school to do my homework = 我上學去做功課?

2014-11-02 08:12:41 補充:
I'm going to the school today to talk to Kim's teacher.
(school ~ countable noun)

Where did you go to school ?
Correction: There should be a question mark "?" after "school"
(school ~ uncountable noun)
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
2014-10-31 10:07 am


I go to school TO do my homework.

I go to school AND do my homework.

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