
2014-10-30 5:58 am
我宜家四十五歲,我係二十三歲個陣被ABC 公司炒左,我現在講"I have been
fired by ABC Company." 想問下lee 到用現在完成式有無問題。

回答 (6)

2014-10-31 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have been fired by ABC Company.
這句只適合剛剛被公司炒左 (recently)

如果二十二年前被公司炒左, 這句用現在完成式大有問題.

I was fired by ABC company 22 years ago.
I was fired by ABC company in 1992. . (今年是 2014)
用 Past simple tense 便得

開除是二十二年前發生的事, 這動作二十二年前已經完成, 與現在無關聯, 不會用現在完成式
fire (開除) 沒有持續性, 一瞬間的事 “Firing” is a one time event, 是指被 ABC公司炒

I have been fired by ABC Company 22 years ago. ~ 錯
I have been fired by ABC Company for 22 years. ~ 錯
I have been fired by ABC Company since 1992. ~ 錯

Roger Miller 是美國歌星

Roger Miller died 22 years ago.
Roger Miller died in 1992.

Roger Miller has died ~ 錯
這句在時間上. 直至現在,死了二十二年
便可用現在完成式 ~ definitely “:NO:”

Roger Miller has been dead for 22 years. ~ 無錯
Someone can be dead (adjective) for a long time.

fire 和 lay off 完全地不同
Fire = 開除 (炒魷魚) , 文雅些 dismiss
Fire someone = to dismiss someone from a job

Fire 原因多數是工作不勝任, 做錯事, 犯罪, (盜竊, 欺騙), 與上司爭吵

Lay off = 暫時解雇
Lay off someone = to stop employing someone because there is not enough work
Lay off 原因是公司少生意, 不景氣, shortage of work
如果經濟好轉, 有可能召回工作 (recall)

I was lay off 22 years ago. ~ 錯, lay 不是 past participle
I was laid off 22 years ago.

Lie – lay – lain - lying
Lay – laid – laid -laying

2014-10-31 20:18:59 補充:
香港人講”炒”, 包括 fire 和 lay off, 但是英語 fire 和 lay off 有分別
大公司炒 1000 人, 相信是講 lay-off .

2014-11-01 23:44:16 補充:
我想發問者在講的句中, "I have been fired by ABC Company"
不願意透露自己年齡, 尤其女性, 否則原句早已言及年齡
提到年齡只不過是給回答者知道何時被炒, 何時講這事, 作為 time frame
對別人講幾多歲被公司炒非常怪, 尤其對 casual acquaintance.
重要是發問者想知用 present perfect 對不對?

2014-11-09 02:47:46 補充:
"I have already fired ... " 與 "I have already been fired .... " 有無分別?
Any comments are welcome.
2014-11-04 12:51 am
I have already fired 22 years ago when I was 23 (not 32).
Time-honoured because it has been done for a long time as I am 45 now !
We use for when we refer to a period of time in the past (=for a long time)
The (lee) sentence applying the present perfect is okay in the length of time that is used as "time frame"

2014-11-04 17:38:03 補充:
Godfrey:-A plague on literary term used to show that I'm extremely annoyed with you on something. Don't do it.
2014-11-03 5:46 am
I am 45 now and I was fired by ABC company when I was 32.
2014-11-01 1:57 am
I am 45 now and I was fired by ABC company when I was 32.
2014-10-31 6:59 pm
Godfrey 真係解釋得好清楚詳細~

2014-10-31 1:09 am
I was fired ( lay off) by ABC company 22 years ago. - use simply past tense
not perfect tense

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