I was surprise that there is no Queuingmachine/ the number ATMs at DMV. I think DMV is one of the American governmentdepartments and we can tell how developed country it is form this. I’ve seenthe customer line up out of the door and it even was 2-3 lines. I’ve made anappointment before I went to DMV, but I still wait in a long line for 40minutes. If we can get numbers from Queuing machine/ the number ATMs, we don’tneed to be so long in line. And I saw that there were only four people workedat check-in counter, two for reserved customer and two for unreserved customer.That is too slow. We need to finish every step through counters. In Taiwan, wedon’t have to make an appointment before we go to DMV. We just pick up a numberfrom Queuing machine/ the number ATMs then we can have a seat or go somewhere todo something when we’re waiting. We can finish all of the steps in one counter:check-in, take photo, change address, change owner, get license etc. But weneed to take a travel to finish every steps in American DMV and only twocounter for check-in—appointment and non-appointment. I think it’s the time toimprove DMV’s efficiency!
那我改一下,請幫我翻譯;我就是英文寫作能力欠佳,才會來這裡PO文. 煩請英文能力好的人幫我翻譯,謝謝.
抱歉再請問 geo桑一下: 1. 抽號機正確的英文是 take-a-number machine,還是Queuingmachine/ the number ATMs 網路上查到的回答太多種了. 2. 我想表達的是: 一共只有兩個報到櫃檯--有預約及沒預約的,一個櫃檯只有兩個人在處理,每個人都要經過這兩個櫃檯,實在沒效率;但台灣的監理所不但不用先預約,去了直接抽號碼牌即可在任何一個窗口完成所有的事(而且就我觀查,台北監理所的員工人數好像沒有比我去的那家DMV多多少員工) 請問這樣要怎麼翻較順又不會落落長? 謝謝geo桑不厭其煩的解答,也謝謝你的安慰;