Guy keeps staring at me on the bus... every... afternoon.?

2014-10-28 1:34 pm
I am an average 16-year-old. I tend to keep to myself socially in the real world. I gulp down the poisonous flames of this place we humans call "school". I call it Hell.
Anyways, I am having a basic humanity problem with a boy (my age) staring at me every afternoons on the bus. I swear, I will NOT be associated with the human kind in any romantic way, so basically what he's doing is a waste of time. He doesn't speak to me. He sits regularly in the mornings, but he turns fully around to, well, stalk.
It is really pulling me to the last, trembling nerve of my weakened shoulders and I ask for answers.
I know he (probably) has a crush on me, but I am not falling into this terrible game again
I don't want to pour acid on an open wound, but this human is not about to have unrealistic fantasies of me. Goodbye, I must slip back down these dark halls of oglers and cowards.


回答 (2)

2014-10-28 2:39 pm
if he really seems to be stalking you, tell someone about it before it escalates
2014-10-28 1:46 pm
Sorry to see you have such a negative view of humanity. Nevertheless, this boy that is bothering you - ask the school counselor to speak to him about it. If it's troubling you as much as it sounds then someone needs to tell this boy you are to be left alone.

Boys are short on attention span. He will chase you as long as he thinks there's something to be gained. But when he realizes you're not falling for his games he'll go find someone else, someone of weaker mind. Not saying you're weak minded, just that he'll turn his attention to someone else soon.

Now, regarding your education: Clearly you don't need calculus just to go grocery shopping. And if that's all you're content to do then ignore the greater lessons school and life have to offer. But if you want to be more than a simple housewife (which means accepting the advances of SOME human boy sometime in the future) then you're going to have to MAKE something of yourself.

If you consider yourself far above the rest then prove it with your grades. Get an education. Go to college (before the prices go much further beyond the reach of most) and be something. Be a doctor. Be an astro-physist. Be an Oceanographer. Be a - well - I know - BE A TEACHER! Bring the low state of humanity above the rim of the pit it's in. You'll be someones hero. Young(er) people will look up to you and remember the years they spent in your classroom. Learning how you overcame the system and MADE something of yourself.

Or not.

The guy on the bus? That's just hormones. I remember way way way back when I was 16 (hardly remember it's been so long). Those hormones drove me to do some pretty stupid things. But I overcame them. Went on to college and got my degree. Worked for NASA 30 years (and still working part time). Met my wife there. Raised five daughters and sent four of them to college. Their mother and I are proud of them. VERY proud. Each one of them have set their own course in life. Only one who chose not to go to school is content being the stay at home mother of my two granddaughters.

Life goes on. You can sit and watch it pass you by, you can keep pace with the idiocracy (made up word - I know) OR you can lead the pack. And not just lead them down the road of stupidity - you can change the course. Lead in ways of intelligence. Accomplishments.

I guarantee you when you're older you'll look back and wish you did more. Even if you do much, you'll still long for having done more. Missed opportunities are missed forever. And time lost can never be recovered.

So stop seeing school in such a negative way and get all you can out of it. You'll surprise yourself. And you won't regret it.

Hope this helps.


Proud father of FIVE girls. WAY TOO MANY YEARS experience.

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