Will losing weight make my voice sound a bit better?

2014-10-27 3:22 pm
I am really unfit and I need to start exercising. I also don't like my voice when it is recorded because it sound quite deep and slow. (At least that is what I remember as I try not to listen to myself often.) So if I start running will it change the way I sound better?

回答 (28)

2014-10-27 3:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I sounded like that with untreated hypothyroidism (I have hashimoto's thyroiditis and this autoimmune disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in most western countries). One easy way to see if you have mucin build up (a symptom only seen with hypothyroidism) is the myxedema skin pinch test. I am covered with myxedema from head to foot.

Myxedema Skin Pinch Demo:

Myxedema- The forgotten Test for Hypothyroidism:

300+ Hypothyroidism Symptoms…Yes REALLY:
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your weight has no effect on voice

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