Is it okay to dislike where you live and follow the culture of another place that you like?

2014-10-27 3:04 pm
After visiting the US twice, I really have so much respect for this place in particular to the culture and the environment. I'm in high school and plan to study in university there and even move there. What I'm trying to do now is to follow the social culture, which is totally different from the one in where I live. I also practice speaking in American accent, which I think I'm doing quite well so far. However, I often hear people judging people like me who acts differently to the majority. They think they're trying to be ABC and stuff but it's not my case. Yes, I want to behave like Americans because I admire the way they interact with each other (being friendly and gracious with even strangers on the streets) but I know I'm not ABC. An ABC of course would behave like American because he/she lives there. What I'm trying to say is is it okay to behave differently to the people around you in where you're from?

回答 (2)

2014-10-27 3:20 pm
Depends on where you live because American culture is very different compared to culture of Spain and you could easily hurt someone's feeling by saying the wrong thing but in our culture it could be considered polite or normal.
2014-10-27 3:31 pm
Well i say yes but depends where your from

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