Is unrequited love "true love"?

2014-10-27 2:05 pm
They say "true love" is unconditional, right? But one of the biggest conditions almost every single person has is that the person they like also likes them in return. If you remove that condition, and continue to love someone even though you know they don't love you and never will, isn't that true love? Just want to hear some opinions.

回答 (8)

2014-10-27 11:24 pm
2014-10-27 5:50 pm
No it isn't. True love has to be each person loving the other, what you describe is just a fancy or crush.
2014-10-27 3:32 pm
No!! True Love is something mutual... Its not one sided....
2014-10-27 2:16 pm
Well it really depends on what your definition of true love is. I think a lot of people vary in their definition of "True love," but I think you can have it on one side, but not the other. Like "true love," most people would take it as both parties like each other and are perfect for each other. But than when you get to one person is in true love with another, people vary. In my opinion "true love" can be only one parties side and not the other. And if you honestly, truly know the person won't EVER like you back, your being true and selfless.
2014-10-27 2:14 pm
It is not true love if love is not mutual. Your love for the person is sincere but if he/she specifically told you they do not love you back this would not be considered true love.
2014-10-27 2:10 pm
Love is not true unless it is returned...
2014-10-27 2:08 pm
Yeah so u should do it , u stupid ass mother ******
2014-10-27 2:19 pm
True love is for family members. You will love them no matter what happens because you have a blood bond to them.

ROMANTIC love is conditional. It is based on how the other person treats you. If they do not treat you consistently well, then your love for them drops off.

"Unrequited love" just means some loser wants to be with a person who doesn't feel the same.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:35:04
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