
2014-10-28 5:33 am

現在式- simple present tense
過去式- simple past tense
現在進行式- present continous tense
過去完成式- past perfect tense
過行進行式- past continous tense
現在完成進行式- present perfect continous tense

回答 (3)

2014-10-28 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
simply pay attention during the class and do revision after school

現在式- simple present tense - I go to school at 7 am every day. She goes to school at 7 am too.

過去式- simple past tense - I went to picnic last Sunday. She went to movie yesterday.

現在進行式- present continous tense - I am going out now. She is going to school now.

過去完成式- past perfect tense - I had finished my homework before I went to movie last Sunday

過行進行式- past continous tense - My mother was talking on the phone when I came home yesterday.

現在完成進行式- present perfect continous tense - I have been doing my homework since 9 am but have not finished yet.
2014-10-28 6:24 am
英語是靠平時的努力學習,根本是無須溫習的。 你平日應該要多閱讀英語書籍,多看英語台,英語才會好。 浄係靠上課學的一定學不好英語。 今次為了急於應付考試你便溫習平日已經做過的習作吧!
2014-10-28 5:44 am

多聽英文歌及外國電影,可以提升英文能力唷,要找對方法,雖然不是很快就見效,但語言就是要慢慢練習,而且不能間斷,不是只有考試才讀英文。 你可以試看看線上家教呀,語言不外乎就是要多說多讀多聽,學了不開口講也是沒用,要多講才會記住,進步才會快!!試看看習不習慣,25分鐘免費讀唷~ 按照上面的記英文單字方法,一定可以進步很多喔,英文單字真的很重要 ^_^

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