本人擁有有效特區護照及回鄉證, 並以居英權申請英國護照, 可

2014-10-27 8:04 pm
1. 本人擁有有效特區護照及回鄉證, 並以居英權申請英國護照, 可有雙重國藉問题 ?
2. 又申請英國護照時须交特區護照副本, 會否影響日後特區護照有效性 ?
3. 英國是否承認雙重國籍?
4. 中國不承認雙重國籍, 但中國國籍法(根據基本法)係容許香港人雙重國籍是否正確?


回答 (3)

2014-10-28 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. It depends on your definition of issues of "dual nationalities".

Based on National People's Congress interpretation, China will not recognize your citizenship other than Chinese, unless you renounce your Chinese citizenship.

So in China (including the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau), you will not be eligible for consular protection from the U.K.

Other than that, you are fine.

2. The purpose is to verify your identity. So no. However, since you are a British citizen, similar to #1 above, if you use HKSAR Passport entering the U.K., you will not be eligible for consular protection from China.

3. Yes.

4. No, in the following ways:

a. It is an interpretation by National People's Congress to the Nationality Law, but attached to the Basic Law as "an instrument". It has nothing to do with the Basic Law. Instead, it is more like an addendum to the Nationality Law.

b. The interpretation has not explicitly "allowed" Chinese (Hong Kong and Macau) citizen to have dual nationalities. Instead, the interpretation implies that dual nationalities are allowed by allowing the use of "travel document" issued by other countries, and the only way to get "travel document" issued by other countries is becoming their nationals.

So dual nationalities is allowed, but not based on your reasoning.

2014-10-31 17:06:02 補充:
It is answered based on all current situations.

It does not matter if this is your first British Passport or not.
2014-10-29 3:48 am

1. & 4. 所謂不承認雙重國籍,並非是要你在中國及外國國籍二者中放棄其一,而是若果你沒有正式向香港入境處放棄中國中國籍的話,你仍然是中國公民,所持的外國護照只是被視為旅遊證件性質,在香港不能享有外國的領事保護;若果你是以回鄉卡進入大陸的話,當然也只是被視為港澳地區的中國公民,不能享有外國的領事保護。
2. 正常而言,英國不會向香港通報的。
3. 英國承認雙重國籍,英國外交部亦說明,若果你在第二國籍所在國的話,未必能享有英國的領事保護。

2014-10-31 18:35:27 補充:

2014-10-27 8:26 pm
2 唔會有影響

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