Jehovahs Witnesses: Are the majority of you so insecure in your beliefs that you cannot accept any criticism?

2014-10-26 11:32 am
...or is that just a minority of those who post on Y!A?

I've just answered a couple of questions from 'Sunshine', and now I can neither edit my answers or comment - in other words I'm blocked (something I'm not surprised by).

回答 (28)

2014-10-26 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nope. I get criticized every day. What is one more?

Just that frankly, few have any merit. Most of you critics do not have ,a clue what you are talking about. You take it,as a daily practice for someone to tell you with a backwards collar that the moon is made of green cheese and you want to take rats and a cheeses slicer to the moon.

Not doing too well there.

For example, a few days ago, a question asked about the,Flood. "If it were true, where did his son get his wife?"

Had he ever actually read the account, it plainly says Noah and his 3sons, with their 4 wives in total entered the Ark and,existed it after the land dried out.

No. He did not ask about Adam. It was,Noah and the Ark in the Flood. Proof he never knew what he,was talking about like,so many others. So exactly why should we give any consideration to such dumb ones criticisms?

If it is warranted criticism, I try to accept it as from Jehovah as he would wish it be. We work to be better teachers, not worse. While a kind word does produce better results, even you must admit on some, a swift kick in the buttucal area is needed to get a few attentions.
2014-10-26 2:19 pm
There are a little over 8 million JWs.
How many do you think visit this place?
Definitely a minority .....a very small minority.
Sorry to hear you are blocked .....try ex-lax.
2014-10-26 11:37 am
It's quite amusing really, they claim to want to 'bring people to God' and 'help them to learn from the Bible', but as soon as they realise you don't accept what they say they hit the block button.
2014-10-26 2:10 pm
You ask....Jehovahs Witnesses: Are the majority of you so insecure in your beliefs that you cannot accept any criticism?

Going on some of the comments you left on this post it is no wonder why Sunshine blocks you, if you are going to get all insulting and calling JW's a cult, then she more than likely does what I do and that is to apply the words of Jesus at Matt 7:6....Simple really !
2014-10-26 11:41 am
Like the Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker said in his 2011 book "The Better Angels of Our Nature", beliefs which are based on nothing but faith are chronically unstable. Nobody gets upset if someone says that rocks fall up instead of down because everyone can see that it's not so. It's when people tie their credibility to claims based on nothing but faith and are credibly rebuffed that they get upset.
2014-10-26 8:23 pm
Don't worry. Some JWs here block anyone that opposes anything they say. I am blocked by her also and many others. To answer your question, yes. I've found that the majority of Witnesses are very insecure in their beliefs, and certainly the ones here are, because deep down they know something isn't right. They know it doesn't hold up and they know the history is not pretty. They don't handle criticism well, which is okay, but I would think they would want to be open to really receiving God, rather than accept blatant lies, fabrication, and delusions.

God did warn that this would happen, however.

2 Thess. 2:9-12: The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

1 Tim. 4:1-3: But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.
2014-10-26 11:48 am
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-26 1:18 pm
We are NOT insecure in our beliefs. Criticism is a mild word you used. In fact JWs are demonized, and branded as cult members. We are not surprised by this as even Jesus--the faithful Witness according to Revelations 1:5-- was accused of having a demon.

We love our neighbors and so we teach the Bible even to those DUMB (Dont Understand the Message from the Bible). Its free home bible study--No collections made. Partly because of criticisms and mostly because of our ministry, there has been a consistent increase of people becoming JWs. The opposite is true for Christendoom. See the picture below.

One of the reasons, I think, why Christendoom hates us is that, by using the Bible, we teach our neighbors to stay away from IDIOT beliefs. (Irrational Devil Inspired Odd Teachings) These include the trinity, hell fire, etc.
2014-10-26 11:34 am
They are easily butthurt. Maybe they need the Mormon magic underpants.
2014-10-26 2:36 pm
"The majority"? Do the actions of ONE JW to block you constitute "the majority" of JWs, is that it?

Looks to me like you must be the one who is insecure, if the actions of one JW make you believe that they are those of the majority.

As for criticism on y!a, I think it would be a fair observation that JWs cop more criticism than any other group.

But they know to expect it, according to Jesus' words at John 14:18,19.

It will be interesting to see how much criticism YOU can accept . . .


Edit: Space Wasp, re your comment to me - see my comment in response.
2014-10-26 5:31 pm
It is none of my business if Sunshine blocked you. If you don't want to be blocked be nice to people.

No, we are not insecure. But who wants to be insulted. What goes on on this site, is NOT, and I repeat that, is NOT constructive criticism.

Here is a rule of thumb. If you wouldn't want someone treating you someway, then don't do it to them.

And don't call people out publicly. I am very sensitive, after some nasty people on here did it to me, and lied. So I would advise you not to.
2014-10-26 7:32 pm
Chi girl has blocked me, because I guess she is insecure in her beliefs and can't accept healthy criticism.
So it goes both ways. We get blocked by our opposers all the time even when the questions are directed to us.
How do they expect us to answer if we're blocked from doing so?
What are they afraid of?
If we were insecure in our beliefs, we sure wouldn't be out preaching house to house or everywhere we possibly can in over 239 lands, now would we?
That takes courage, humility and a desire to teach others about Gods Kingdom, no matter what criticism or outright hatred and persecution we face.

So are Jehovah's Witnesses insecure. Absolutely not.
2014-10-26 12:39 pm
They don't have any concept of independent thought. all of their posts on here are cut and paste drive by spam from
2014-10-26 7:29 pm

After time, you learn who are reasonable and who aren't. I choose not to waste my time answering those types of questions from the ones that aren't reasonable.

As for blocking, I only block those that constantly harass me or choose to post lies all the time.
2014-10-26 6:38 pm
A lot of the criticism is genuine and makes sense. Some people cross the line, but they are generally those who have personally been hurt in some way by this religion. Some scars never heal. Sunshine is...well, sunshine. She blocks anyone and everyone.
2014-10-26 12:33 pm
Shut upppppp
2014-10-26 6:21 pm
On the contrary, I am 100% secure on my belief and so when HONEST and SINCERE questions are asked, I am only too happy to answer and happen to know that this goes for all genuine lovers of Jehovah.

Actually, one sister in my congregation has 4 teens who are always throwing questions at her and she has a husband, who is in and out of getting close to Jehovah (he is not baptised) and so she has to even go into ex witnesses and reason with her sons and obviously it works, for they are now studying happily.

I personally only ever block ones who are CONSTANTLY being insulting and I mean, ones who message me and just won't let go, and thus, to stop their constant barrage of insults about my God Jehovah, I block! But don't need to block usually, for I will not answer anyone who is obviously against us and wanting to bash and thus, if that is you, then I can assure you, this is the last answer from me and why? Because my time is valuable and I rather spend it, helping genuine ones to learn about Jehovah!
2014-10-27 5:25 pm
Wow, seems as though you and Sunshine have a problem. Think for a moment how it would feel if someone in your family was having a problem with someone, and that person pulls you and your other family members, who know nothing at all about the problem into the matter. How would you truly feel. Criticism does not bother me. I get up every morning and put my grown up pants on. I come to this site to answer questions, and I try hard to do so genuinely, scripturally and to the best of my ability, and always respectfully. I don't block, don't know how to. I don't cut and paste, don't know how to. I don't answer every question posted for JW's if another has already answered, or if I feel it's a question that the asker has already formed his own opinion on, and is just posting the question in a negative light . I'm very secure in my belief, and my convictions, and have been for years and will continue to be. I love sharing. I read a lot of posts in this section, and try to understand why people still don't realize, it's not what you have to say, but the manner in which you say it. However,we all have the right to except or not except what the other person have to say.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-10-26 2:00 pm
Sunshine does not spread sunshine.
2014-10-26 1:22 pm
Maybe you were just nasty, hateful or some other reason.

What were you critical about ?
2014-10-28 3:18 am
I have no problem with peoples' religious beliefs. The only thing that I question is why do you go door to door or stop people on the street? No other religious group does this.
2014-10-27 12:00 pm
No. We are safe and secure in our faith in Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ. I personally have answered many questions about our faith. Many. For years. There is, however, a difference between asking "Why do you JW believe THIS" (whatever that may be) and "Do you Jehovah's Witnesses realize how [insert insult here] you are for believing THIS".

Your not suggesting that we must demonstrate our faith by leaving ourselves open to unnecessary insults, are you?
2014-10-27 3:21 am
I was one of the most insecure shy of all people on this earth, until I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I can now walk up to strangers and talk to them about God's Kingdom and the hope it offers us without studdering one word. Jehovah has given me the back bone needed to preach the good news along with my spiritual family of 8,000,000 earth-wide today. Actually, God's holy spirit and the angels are the ones that give us power beyond what is normal to preach in all different circumstances.
It takes courage and a love for our fellowman for us to even think about being ministers of the good news. Just like the 1st century Christians: "We must obey God rather than man," and that really takes lots of courage. Many witnesses have gone to jail and some today are even in prisons because of their keeping integrity to Jehovah God. Acts 5:29
People of Christendom hide behind their false religious teachers who tell lies about Almighty God and his first born Son Jesus. No where in the Scriptures will you ever hear of Jesus say that he is God nor God say that he is Jesus. The Scriptures tell us that the wicked who go to hell get out to be judged along with all who are resurrected from the dead. Revelation 20:13
There is no such place as a hellfire for wicked people. Translators have turned she'ohl and hai'des (the common grave of mankind) into "hell", "the grave", "the world of the dead", "the pit", and so forth.
Did you know that translators of the King James version claim that Jesus was in "hell" the three days he was dead?
Acts 2:25-27
Did you know that the righteous man Job was so sick that he prayed to die and asked God to "protect" him in "hell"?
Job 14:13
What other religion on this earth can take you to the Scriptures to help you learn the truth about death and what happens to us besides Jehovah's Witnesses?
Jehovah's organization now has an internet website in 400 languages to help ones like you learn what the Bible really teaches. The truth is never watered down or neutralized as is so with Christendom. Do I sound as though I am insecure in my beliefs? I love the truth which truly has set me free from false religious teachings and traditions of men. What did Jesus say about traditions? Mark 7:13
"Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like this."
If you want the truthful answers to your Bible questions, go to and Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered.
參考: The Bible
2014-10-27 10:32 am
Shut upppppp
2014-10-27 6:36 am
Shut upppppp
2014-10-26 9:09 pm
JWs are self and group programmed to deal with anything they don't believe in by using one of three strategies...

i) avoid the question
ii) answer a different question
iii) attack the question or questioner

I can even prove this for everyone's benefit....
2014-10-28 7:32 pm
People get criticized everyday regardless of what their beliefs are. The criticism can be fair or unfair. Its safe to say that no rational human likes being unfairly attacked. Then again, if people take time out just to criticized JW's or worried about their supposed insecurity of being criticized; then it must be something Jehovah's Witnesses are doing right.
2014-10-28 2:03 am
Well, brothers and sisters don't be too harsh on people with their hearts closed. Let me tell you my story (everybody has one)I really thought JW's were a man made religion.I did !Ignorant at the time.I found that it is an organization designed to teach the truth about the Bible .I was scared.You know why? Lazy, still wanted to do what I wanted to do.Guess what? That crap didn't work.It seems as though people are afraid to be good spirited humans .Is it so hard to deny being a great person? I guess it is.But, I do want to be here for the next go round. Sound crazy? Well its not. The world isn't going to blow up. We are.Look at His adversary doing all he can to destroy us. Wake up folks.The time is now to decide to be a knowledgable person or left in the dark.What you goona Ask questions. do when he comes for you? The brothers and sisters know they can't force you .Heres a little l advice ,got a bible? see how much difference the bibles have in different scriptures.Don't be scared if you don't believe find out yourself what the truth is. Ask questions.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-10-27 5:30 pm
It's not about insecurity, If you think that you are the smartest man on the block you probably will not listen to anyone who disagrees with you.
2014-10-27 4:37 pm
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-27 1:04 pm
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-27 4:39 pm
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-27 3:27 pm
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-27 2:16 pm
Shut upppppp
2014-10-27 2:20 am
At least they are not Mormons defending murderers.
2014-10-27 12:28 pm
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-27 4:09 am
They don't have any concept of independent thought. all of their posts on here are cut and paste drive by spam from
2014-10-27 3:40 am
They don't have any concept of independent thought. all of their posts on here are cut and paste drive by spam from
2014-10-27 3:16 am
People block others all the time for various reasons. It's Sunshine's right to block you if she wishes. It has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness.
2014-10-27 10:50 am
They don't have any concept of independent thought. all of their posts on here are cut and paste drive by spam from
2014-10-27 6:01 am
They don't have any concept of independent thought. all of their posts on here are cut and paste drive by spam from
2014-10-27 11:41 am
They don't have any concept of independent thought. all of their posts on here are cut and paste drive by spam from

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