is writing a reflection basically mean what i learnt?

2014-10-26 12:24 am
So our class went on a excursion and we have to do a presentation about it. On the assignment sheet, one of the dot point is "what i learnt?" and another one is "reflection", and i'm wondering if they are the same thing. If not, what is included in a reflection?

回答 (2)

2014-10-26 12:42 am
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basically, what you want to do is reflect on your trip; what did you like/dislike and why/why not, what did you learn, etc
2014-10-26 12:31 am
What you learned is simply a statement of the observations you made.

A reflection is you thoughts on how this affects you. What has changed in the way you think or understand things. How has the knowledge you gained shaped your thoughts or ideas of the world or you future. What difference does it make now that you know the new things?

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