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Hello! My name is Abbi. At the age of 9 or 10 i had to get braces (and still have them now!). My teeth were horrible. I had very crooked front and bottom teeth, a very big over bite, and i never liked them. I wasn't self conscious as i was younger but I definitely did not like them! First of all, if you really fell you need braces you need to take a look in the mirror, and make sure your not being to hard on yourself! Some people don't really need them. Ask other people there opinion to make sure your not fooling yourself. Confront your dad, explain to him of how very self conscious you are with your teeth. Say I know that it may seem silly to YOU, but to me... it brings me down. Explain how you may not need braces, but that if you could see a specialist it would make you feel much better, even if they weren't needed.. He may say no but make sure he knows how good and confident it would make you feel. To stop the bleeding make sure your flossing and brushing every day. You could whiten your teeth, and use mouthwash to make yourself feel a bit better too (it could help?). It would be a good idea to see an orthodontist honestly. Thats what I had to do. My dentist said he wasn't sure if i needed them and that he would never put them on me so young. But..... he referenced an ortho, and we went and you know what? I had to get them on 2 WEEKS AFTER GOING! The ortho said my teeth may not be able to be fixed unless I got them on then. MY point? Dentists can be wrong so see an ortho for sure, that IS what they specialize in and can tell for sure with x-rays, mouldings, measuring and more. Now my teeth are straight, and I've had the braces on for 2 years. I will be getting them off in 2-4 months. Talk to your dad, good luck!
參考: Personal Experiences..