what is the difference between a girl in bath room showering and a girl in a church praying?

2014-10-25 1:54 pm

回答 (10)

2014-10-25 3:29 pm
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One is getting clean on the inside while the other is getting clean on the outside.
2014-10-25 2:07 pm
Most people aren't wearing clothes when they shower.
2014-10-25 2:53 pm
One is getting clean the other is not!!!
2014-10-25 2:02 pm
One feels the spray and the other kneels to pray.
2014-10-26 8:03 am
The girl in the church soul is full of hope and the girl in bath room hole is full of soap!!!
2014-10-25 2:58 pm
Ther're the same in God's eyes.
2014-10-25 2:37 pm
r they hot?
2014-10-25 2:20 pm
The girl at shower is admiring herself,

while the girl at church (maybe) is admiring her lover.
2014-10-25 1:55 pm
Both are naked and exposed before God
2014-10-25 1:56 pm
both are sex addicts.

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