If you could witness any historical event in person, which one would it be and why?

2014-10-24 2:01 pm

回答 (147)

2014-10-24 3:49 pm
I was in Germany when the wall went Up i would like to have been in Berlin when it came down
2014-10-24 3:49 pm
I was in Germany when the wall went Up i would like to have been in Berlin when it came down
2014-10-24 2:48 pm
The abandonment of the Roanoke colony - to find out where they all went and why.
2014-10-24 2:48 pm
The abandonment of the Roanoke colony - to find out where they all went and why.
2014-10-24 2:06 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-24 2:06 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-24 2:35 pm
The Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago. It would be a two-fer. I'd get to see dinosaurs, and get to see a huge impact.
2014-10-24 2:35 pm
The Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago. It would be a two-fer. I'd get to see dinosaurs, and get to see a huge impact.
2014-10-24 2:19 pm
The miracles of Jesus Christ or the parting of the Red Sea, but we too live in a special period of time. Very soon we will see the complete fulfillment of Matthew 6:9,10.
2014-10-24 2:19 pm
The miracles of Jesus Christ or the parting of the Red Sea, but we too live in a special period of time. Very soon we will see the complete fulfillment of Matthew 6:9,10.
2014-10-26 1:53 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-26 1:53 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 4:11 pm
Neat question. I think it would have been awesome to have been present to see & hear the signing of our declaration of independence.
2014-10-25 4:11 pm
Neat question. I think it would have been awesome to have been present to see & hear the signing of our declaration of independence.
2014-10-25 4:08 am
The battle of Sterling, where William Wallace defeated the English on Sterling bridge. GO SCOTS!!!
2014-10-25 4:08 am
The battle of Sterling, where William Wallace defeated the English on Sterling bridge. GO SCOTS!!!
2014-10-25 1:40 am
I would like to spend the day with Franklin D. Roosevelt on the day that Pearl Harbor was bombed.
2014-10-25 1:40 am
I would like to spend the day with Franklin D. Roosevelt on the day that Pearl Harbor was bombed.
2014-10-24 2:49 pm
I have always been interested in Queen Elizabeth I, so I would like to witness her Coronation in 1559.
2014-10-24 2:49 pm
I have always been interested in Queen Elizabeth I, so I would like to witness her Coronation in 1559.
2014-10-24 2:11 pm
The day my daughter died so I could of been there to stop it
2014-10-24 2:11 pm
The day my daughter died so I could of been there to stop it
2014-10-24 2:07 pm
I would like to see the Wright Brothers flight at Kitty Hawk. It was the beginning of modern transportation.
2014-10-24 2:07 pm
I would like to see the Wright Brothers flight at Kitty Hawk. It was the beginning of modern transportation.
2014-10-24 2:02 pm
One that really happened.
2014-10-24 2:02 pm
One that really happened.
2014-10-25 10:24 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 10:24 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-30 11:13 am
2014-10-30 11:13 am
2014-10-27 7:59 am
The whole 'God' and 'Jesus' thing...
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-10-27 7:59 am
The whole 'God' and 'Jesus' thing...
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-10-26 7:21 am
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-26 7:21 am
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-26 4:40 am
When one of my relatives signed the Declaration of Independence.
2014-10-26 4:40 am
When one of my relatives signed the Declaration of Independence.
2014-10-26 2:44 am
Evolution of life on Earth
2014-10-26 2:44 am
Evolution of life on Earth
2014-10-25 7:09 pm
God creating the earth/the big bang(Whichever actually happened)
2014-10-25 7:09 pm
God creating the earth/the big bang(Whichever actually happened)
2014-10-25 2:29 pm
I'd like to go back and see when, where, and who was the first person/people to arrive in North America and present-day U.S.

Or witness the Battle of Yorktown (1781) and see the reaction of Americans when the British surrendered and they realized the American Revolution was going to come to a successful conclusion.
2014-10-25 2:29 pm
I'd like to go back and see when, where, and who was the first person/people to arrive in North America and present-day U.S.

Or witness the Battle of Yorktown (1781) and see the reaction of Americans when the British surrendered and they realized the American Revolution was going to come to a successful conclusion.
2014-10-25 2:29 am
The day my late step-father got his commission in the Army Air Corps, on December 7, 1941. Since my step father was top in his class of 15 , he chose Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as his first duty site.
Instead he spent WWII stateside, as an AAC navigation /bomber instructor. Out of his class of 15 bomber navigators only 3 made out by the end of the war.
2014-10-25 2:29 am
The day my late step-father got his commission in the Army Air Corps, on December 7, 1941. Since my step father was top in his class of 15 , he chose Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as his first duty site.
Instead he spent WWII stateside, as an AAC navigation /bomber instructor. Out of his class of 15 bomber navigators only 3 made out by the end of the war.
2014-10-24 2:49 pm
I'd like to see exactly what became of the body of Jesus--the truth, as Ehrman notes, is likely far different from what the gospels say.
I'd also love to see the initial appearance of Tyrannosaurus--its exact effect on coeval faunas. Also the dinosaurian world just before the impact--see just how far the ranges of Tyrannosaurus etc extended.
2014-10-24 2:49 pm
I'd like to see exactly what became of the body of Jesus--the truth, as Ehrman notes, is likely far different from what the gospels say.
I'd also love to see the initial appearance of Tyrannosaurus--its exact effect on coeval faunas. Also the dinosaurian world just before the impact--see just how far the ranges of Tyrannosaurus etc extended.
2014-10-24 2:45 pm
The Big Bang .......and I don't mean a TV show.
2014-10-24 2:45 pm
The Big Bang .......and I don't mean a TV show.
2014-10-24 2:27 pm
When allies raided the nazi death camps.
2014-10-24 2:27 pm
When allies raided the nazi death camps.
2014-10-25 2:52 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 2:52 pm
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 9:46 am
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 9:46 am
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 7:42 am
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-25 7:42 am
fall of the Berlin Wall
2014-10-24 2:13 pm
september 11th, 2001. So i could get into the elevator shaft with a camera, and film all the pre-wired detonative devices.
2014-10-24 2:13 pm
september 11th, 2001. So i could get into the elevator shaft with a camera, and film all the pre-wired detonative devices.
2016-02-18 3:30 am
I'd like to go back and see when, where, and who was the first person/people to arrive in North America and present-day U.S.
2016-02-18 3:30 am
I'd like to go back and see when, where, and who was the first person/people to arrive in North America and present-day U.S.
2014-11-06 4:14 am
2014-11-06 4:14 am
2014-11-06 1:07 am
Your birth.
2014-11-06 1:07 am
Your birth.
2014-11-05 10:40 pm
George Harrison!
2014-11-05 10:40 pm
George Harrison!
2014-11-05 8:18 am
Your birth.
2014-11-05 8:18 am
Your birth.
2014-11-05 6:07 am
George Harrison!
2014-11-05 6:07 am
George Harrison!
2014-11-02 11:32 pm
George Harrison!
2014-11-02 11:32 pm
George Harrison!
2014-11-01 7:12 pm
2014-11-01 7:12 pm
2014-11-01 6:14 am
2014-11-01 6:14 am
2014-11-01 2:19 am
Your birth.
2014-11-01 2:19 am
Your birth.
2014-10-31 6:14 am
The first person on earth...
2014-10-31 6:14 am
The first person on earth...
2014-10-30 10:16 pm
Lexington and Concord.
2014-10-30 10:16 pm
Lexington and Concord.
2014-10-30 11:40 am
2014-10-30 11:40 am
2014-10-30 10:22 am
Your birth.
2014-10-30 10:22 am
Your birth.
2014-10-30 9:40 am
Your birth.
2014-10-30 9:40 am
Your birth.
2014-10-30 9:37 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-30 9:37 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-30 9:12 am
The one event that I should like to witness would be the day that YA
actually tailored the Answers website to what it's users actually wanted
and not some airy-fairy idea of what Yahoo would hope it might be.
Now that would be truly historical.
2014-10-30 9:12 am
The one event that I should like to witness would be the day that YA
actually tailored the Answers website to what it's users actually wanted
and not some airy-fairy idea of what Yahoo would hope it might be.
Now that would be truly historical.
2014-10-30 1:51 am
2014-10-30 1:51 am
2014-10-30 1:19 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-30 1:19 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 7:05 pm
2014-10-29 7:05 pm
2014-10-29 6:57 pm
2014-10-29 6:57 pm
2014-10-29 6:42 pm
2014-10-29 6:42 pm
2014-10-29 4:36 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-29 4:36 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-29 4:28 pm
2014-10-29 4:28 pm
2014-10-29 3:39 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 3:39 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 12:32 pm
2014-10-29 12:32 pm
2014-10-29 11:20 am
Your birth.
2014-10-29 11:20 am
Your birth.
2014-10-29 10:22 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 10:22 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 8:44 am
Your birth.
2014-10-29 8:44 am
Your birth.
2014-10-29 8:36 am
2014-10-29 8:36 am
2014-10-29 8:34 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 8:34 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 7:02 am
2014-10-29 7:02 am
2014-10-29 6:42 am
2014-10-29 6:42 am
2014-10-29 6:01 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 6:01 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 3:06 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 3:06 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-29 2:06 am
2014-10-29 2:06 am
2014-10-29 1:12 am
The end of the world.
2014-10-29 1:12 am
The end of the world.
2014-10-28 8:48 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 8:48 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 4:12 pm
The Battle of Kursk. This was, and still is and will likely forever be, the largest tank battle ever. It was fought between the USSR and Nazi Germany.
I would dearly loved to have seen it. But only as an invisible, invulnerable observer!
2014-10-28 4:12 pm
The Battle of Kursk. This was, and still is and will likely forever be, the largest tank battle ever. It was fought between the USSR and Nazi Germany.
I would dearly loved to have seen it. But only as an invisible, invulnerable observer!
2014-10-28 12:39 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 12:39 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 12:33 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-28 12:33 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-28 11:13 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 11:13 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 10:30 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 10:30 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 9:21 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 9:21 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 8:51 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 8:51 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 8:45 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 8:45 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 7:49 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 7:49 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 7:24 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 7:24 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 6:37 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 6:37 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 6:26 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 6:26 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 5:45 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 5:45 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 4:45 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 4:45 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-28 3:35 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 3:35 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 3:30 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 3:30 am
Your birth.
2014-10-28 2:24 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 2:24 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 12:56 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-28 12:56 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 10:17 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-27 10:17 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-27 8:01 pm
Battle of Trafalgar.

Today and mainly due to bad teaching - we have a very bad impression of life below decks in the Royal Navy of the Nelson era - but it was nothing like we have been told and the sailors on the whole were literate and clever - most especially the sailors known as 'topsmen' who manned the upper most sails of the ships of the line back then.


French muster rolls Battle of Trafalgar

Crew of HMS Victory at Trafalgar

Lifesize statue of Lord Nelson at the Trafalgar Tavern here in Greenwich - you can have a selfie with him if you are ever down this way.


HMS Victory - Royal Dockyards Portsmouth - Full Rolling Broadside

Royal Marines Band

London UK
2014-10-27 8:01 pm
Battle of Trafalgar.

Today and mainly due to bad teaching - we have a very bad impression of life below decks in the Royal Navy of the Nelson era - but it was nothing like we have been told and the sailors on the whole were literate and clever - most especially the sailors known as 'topsmen' who manned the upper most sails of the ships of the line back then.


French muster rolls Battle of Trafalgar

Crew of HMS Victory at Trafalgar

Lifesize statue of Lord Nelson at the Trafalgar Tavern here in Greenwich - you can have a selfie with him if you are ever down this way.


HMS Victory - Royal Dockyards Portsmouth - Full Rolling Broadside

Royal Marines Band

London UK
2014-10-27 5:32 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 5:32 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 3:22 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-27 3:22 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-27 3:06 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-27 3:06 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-27 2:38 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 2:38 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 12:27 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 12:27 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 10:41 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 10:41 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 9:53 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 9:53 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 9:09 am
Building the Egyptian Pyramids,i wanna see how they did it.
2014-10-27 9:09 am
Building the Egyptian Pyramids,i wanna see how they did it.
2014-10-27 8:53 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 8:53 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 7:25 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 7:25 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 6:53 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 6:53 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 4:49 am
The Creation of the Earth. It would settle once and for all the Supreme Divine Intellegence vs. Big Bang debate. Thanx.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-10-27 4:49 am
The Creation of the Earth. It would settle once and for all the Supreme Divine Intellegence vs. Big Bang debate. Thanx.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-10-27 4:35 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 4:35 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 4:13 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 4:13 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 4:01 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 4:01 am
Your birth.
2014-10-27 3:05 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 3:05 am
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 12:19 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 12:19 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 11:07 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 11:07 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 10:10 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-26 10:10 pm
Your birth.
2014-10-26 9:44 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 9:44 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 8:47 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-26 8:47 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-26 7:38 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-26 7:38 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-26 3:13 pm
The moment Helen Keller finally understood that everything around her, and herself, had names.
2014-10-26 3:13 pm
The moment Helen Keller finally understood that everything around her, and herself, had names.
2014-10-26 10:39 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 10:39 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 9:01 am
The krishna-Arjuna conversation in the Kurukshetra war ! (bhagavad Geeta)
2014-10-26 9:01 am
The krishna-Arjuna conversation in the Kurukshetra war ! (bhagavad Geeta)
2014-10-26 7:45 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 7:45 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 5:33 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 5:33 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 4:54 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 4:54 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-26 3:52 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 3:52 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 2:23 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 2:23 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 2:18 am
Adam eating from the Eitz Hadas, the tree of knowledge! And then I would STOP HIM!
2014-10-26 2:18 am
Adam eating from the Eitz Hadas, the tree of knowledge! And then I would STOP HIM!
2014-10-26 2:09 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 2:09 am
Your birth.
2014-10-26 12:33 am
I would have to say I would want to visit Martin Luther Kings Jr.s speech "I have a Dream" It was a very moving speech, and it helped change history for the better.
2014-10-26 12:33 am
I would have to say I would want to visit Martin Luther Kings Jr.s speech "I have a Dream" It was a very moving speech, and it helped change history for the better.
2014-10-25 11:58 pm
The building of the Pyramids would be a good jump off point...would lead onto Moses, The Red Sea, and the whole history of that period.
2014-10-25 11:58 pm
The building of the Pyramids would be a good jump off point...would lead onto Moses, The Red Sea, and the whole history of that period.
2014-10-25 11:29 pm
There are several I'd like to witness, if only I could, but the one that comes to thought is, The Gunfight at O.K.
2014-10-25 11:29 pm
There are several I'd like to witness, if only I could, but the one that comes to thought is, The Gunfight at O.K.
2014-10-25 11:03 pm
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 11:03 pm
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 6:53 pm
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 6:53 pm
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 3:50 pm
The A-Bombing of Japan; They murdered my uncle 12/7/1941 !
2014-10-25 3:50 pm
The A-Bombing of Japan; They murdered my uncle 12/7/1941 !
2014-10-25 11:17 am
The Death Of John Lennon
2014-10-25 11:17 am
The Death Of John Lennon
2014-10-24 2:26 pm
The Ivy Mike shot -- November 1, 1952, Enewetak atoll.

I've always had a fascination with nuclear weapons and this was the first full-scale hydrogen bomb test. Check out the film's of it -- you've probably seen it before because it is so iconic, even if you didn't know the name or the date.
2014-10-24 2:26 pm
The Ivy Mike shot -- November 1, 1952, Enewetak atoll.

I've always had a fascination with nuclear weapons and this was the first full-scale hydrogen bomb test. Check out the film's of it -- you've probably seen it before because it is so iconic, even if you didn't know the name or the date.
2014-11-01 1:14 am
George Harrison!
2014-11-01 1:14 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-31 2:01 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-31 2:01 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-27 3:08 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-27 3:08 pm
Prophetic Revelations
2014-10-25 11:27 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 11:27 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 10:43 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 10:43 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 10:11 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 10:11 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 9:13 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 9:13 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 8:40 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 8:40 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 3:04 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 3:04 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 11:43 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 11:43 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 11:25 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 11:25 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 8:25 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 8:25 am
George Harrison!
2014-10-25 8:14 am
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 8:14 am
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 5:07 am
The Death Of John Lennon
2014-10-25 5:07 am
The Death Of John Lennon
2014-10-25 3:08 am
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 3:08 am
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-25 2:28 am
JFK. Que-De-ta that happened in Dallas TX. November 23rd 1963..
That was when Daddy Bush stood under the book depository and
watched Kennedy get his brains blown out all over Daley Plaza.. But
I'd like to know what I know now so I could some how make the last
Shooter from that grassy knoll miss, so Kennedy could do all the things
he wanted to do to clean out all the criminals out of Washington.....
2014-10-25 2:28 am
JFK. Que-De-ta that happened in Dallas TX. November 23rd 1963..
That was when Daddy Bush stood under the book depository and
watched Kennedy get his brains blown out all over Daley Plaza.. But
I'd like to know what I know now so I could some how make the last
Shooter from that grassy knoll miss, so Kennedy could do all the things
he wanted to do to clean out all the criminals out of Washington.....
2014-10-24 10:24 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-24 10:24 pm
George Harrison!
2014-10-24 2:04 pm
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-24 2:04 pm
The Kennedy assignation.
2014-10-24 2:16 pm
when Pilate sentenced Jesus to die and Jesus said 'do u even lift, bro?'
2014-10-24 2:16 pm
when Pilate sentenced Jesus to die and Jesus said 'do u even lift, bro?'
2014-10-24 7:51 pm
Marry the night she got pregnant by God. I think she was lying and was banging the neighbors son.
2014-10-24 7:51 pm
Marry the night she got pregnant by God. I think she was lying and was banging the neighbors son.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:36:26
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