how to become an independent photographer?

2014-10-24 12:10 am
I have basic knowlege of photography and I want to be able to make money out of it

回答 (6)

2014-10-24 1:01 am
You and 98 per cent of the world!

The main ways to make money from photography are these.

1) Work as a photographer for a magazine or company. This is possible, but not with "basic knowledge". You'd need more than that, as well as a portfolio of shots to show what you can do

2) Work as a self employed photographer, a.k.a. the dream of every teenage girl since history began. This requires a whole lot of hard work and - again - more than "basic knowledge" unless your clients are quite literally clueless and are impressed by anyone who can get a shot in focus.

3) Sell prints. Very tough in this day and age, even if you are world class.

4) Teach people how to photograph. A potential money earner, but you have to make sure that you know more than the people you teach. Again, your "basic knowledge" won't take you far.

On top of this, "basic knowledge" is a relative concept. For some, exposure compensation is basic knowledge, whereas other people wouldn't be able to explain it with a photography dictionary in their hand.

So your first step, if you're serious about this, is to turn "basic knowledge" into "advanced knowledge".
2014-10-24 9:43 am
It takes experience and talent. You may wanna consider some other ways of making a living.
2014-10-24 11:04 am
Well you'll need more than basic knowledge.

Your photos will have to be outstanding if you want people to pay money for them. Because no one will buy crappy photos.
2014-10-24 9:59 am
Yeah Dude, right on, i'm pretty much the same not with photography though with football.

I have a basic knowledge of football, (watch every game on the TV) and want the big bucks (loadsamoney).
2014-10-24 3:40 am
Being rich helps as you won't be making a lot of money as a photographer.
2014-10-24 1:13 pm
You work alone?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:38:09
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