Why do you think celebrities keep denying plastic surgery?

2014-10-23 10:07 pm
As you may have seen, Renee Zellweger has been quite the topic lately due to her new face or some say un-recognizable face. So why do you think celebrities deny having any work done?

Blog: http://bit.ly/10qQVoT

回答 (256)

2014-10-23 11:20 pm
1.) They don't want to admit they're not happy with the results.

2.) They think all surgery should be a private matter.

3.) They want us to believe that they're young.

Renee was adorable. What a shame. Aging is a natural process for us all. Best to make peace with it and to accept the face in the mirror.
2014-10-23 11:11 pm
Majority don't need it. But you always either have rag mags like yahoo's celebrity bitches slating them on how old and frumpy some of the women look (and yahoo celebrity is VERY guilty for doing that) and they get insecure and then they deny having done it out of shame and guilt, because they know it's wrong and really is not going to change how the feel about themselves from a psychological point.

The better question that should have been asked is Why do celebrities get plastic surgery? Insecurity is the simple answer and yahoo celebrity and it's tween writers are very quick like the rest of the low brow celebrity magazines and tabloids, to point out the flaws of any celebrity for their own gain.

To answer your question: denial of having an issue with their looks, shame and guilt for using plastic surgery to fix what cbt counselling and psychotherapy could actually fix, or maybe real friends that actually care.
2014-10-23 11:04 pm
When everyone sees your face constantly you want to, in fact need to, look your best. Your looks are your paycheck. So wanting to look younger without admitting you're getting older is necessary so the casting agents don't start saying, "Well, she looks great, but she's 45 and that's too old to play a twentysomething.
In Zellwegers case, she had some fat removed from her upper eyelid, that's what gave her the slightly squinty eyed look we were used to, but as she got older it was more pronounced, the surgeon removed it, and we're left with a Zellweger who doesn't look the same.
2014-10-23 11:16 pm
I wonder, in the case of Rene Zellweger, if she had regrets after seeing how very different she ended up looking. Now she is playing it off "casually".

From what I heard on The Insider on TV, it can affect all The Bridgett Jones Diary movies, because it sin't good for "business" if the actress or actor looks way different.

Just makes you wonder if they know what they are getting themselves into.
2014-10-23 11:10 pm
I don't think it is just celebrities..the average Joe or Jane would deny it..also celebrities are probably embarrassed about the amount done and the amounts spent when other people are having trouble making ends meet....and now we have celebrity clones...all those folks are starting to look like...reminds you of the book..The Uglies where everyone has surgery on their bodies when they turn sixteen.
2014-10-27 5:47 am
People deny plastic surgery wether they are famous celebriities or not... And this is the same reason why they deny their facial features from the beginning. They just dont feel ok with themselves, their image and therefor they change it. Simple as that. The problem comes when they dont see what they turn into. Getting a plastic surgery is like botox or tattoos. Once you get started you want more and more... and in the pursit of their own definition of perfection or beauty some people can become living monsters.I have many friuends wwho look terrible. Men with turned up asian cartoon alike noses and they are 40's. probably when they're 21 they look fine but as they grow old they look terrible. (and funny enough so that the rest of us can joke about them when they are not around lol). In the case of women is not noticeable bcs women are smaller
2014-10-25 6:10 pm
Except for Cher, who is wonderfully and completely honest about having plastic surgery, most celebrities do seem to deny it. I think of a good joke Cloris Leachman told in a 1970s interview: Walking in to the interview late, she said, "I would tell you I had to go to the bathroom but, as you probably know, stars don't have those problems." I have always remembered that as a funny and down-to-earth way of acknowledging Leachman's humanity. I think that most celebrities today want people to believe they kind of are a species apart from the rest of us, as though everything were effortless for them.
2014-10-24 8:14 pm
I think a lot of plain old poor people would get plastic surgery if they could. The reason many celebrities are celebrities is because they look way better than average. If poor people looked better than average, most of them would be very well employed. But then again, with everyone looking so good, people would have to really prove their talents, and oh well, looks like things are best left the way they are. Let's have more good-looking celebrities and less complaints about what they've done to their faces, unless it's warranted of course.
2016-02-10 4:02 pm
The answer is simple: here in the United States, plastic surgery is frowned upon. A lot of Americans dislike cosmetic surgery in general - I wouldn't say that they HATE it or think that it's a bad thing, but people who have undergone cosmetic procedures definitely deal with criticism on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure that using plastic surgery for health reasons is socially acceptable, but if aesthetics is the only reason why you underwent cosmetic surgery, chances are people are going to criticize your decision. I don't know if this attitude is prevalent in other countries, but it's definitely prevalent here in the U.S. Americans seldom say good things about the plastic surgery industry. I have lived in the U.S. all my life, and I almost never hear people applaud individuals (both celebrities and ordinary citizens) who have undergone thorough cosmetic surgery. I'm pretty sure that the plastic surgeons themselves also deal with criticism and judgmental people on a regular basis.
2014-10-27 5:35 pm
The answer is simple: here in the United States, plastic surgery is frowned upon. A lot of Americans dislike cosmetic surgery in general - I wouldn't say that they HATE it or think that it's a bad thing, but people who have undergone cosmetic procedures definitely deal with criticism on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure that using plastic surgery for health reasons is socially acceptable, but if aesthetics is the only reason why you underwent cosmetic surgery, chances are people are going to criticize your decision. I don't know if this attitude is prevalent in other countries, but it's definitely prevalent here in the U.S. Americans seldom say good things about the plastic surgery industry. I have lived in the U.S. all my life, and I almost never hear people applaud individuals (both celebrities and ordinary citizens) who have undergone thorough cosmetic surgery. I'm pretty sure that the plastic surgeons themselves also deal with criticism and judgmental people on a regular basis.

Considering this, it's no wonder why Hollywood Celebrities are so reluctant to admit that they undergo cosmetic procedures. However, celebrities aren't the only ones who are like this - even ordinary individuals who live normal, average lives and have visited a plastic surgeon typically don' t reveal to others that they underwent plastic surgery. If we get rid of the stigma that is attached to plastic surgery, celebrities might become more open about cosmetic surgery, but unfortunately I don't think that this will happen anytime soon. I do think that the stigma will stick around for a while. There are probably many reasons why Americans stigmatize plastic surgery, but I think that one of the biggest reasons has to do with stereotypes of people who undergo cosmetic surgery - a lot of people think that individuals who receive plastic surgery are vain, shallow, stuck-up, superficial, etc.

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