Why the follow sentence containing more than one verbs?
" This bloody lesson together with the frequent publicity during the period when the
law first came into effect led to a large drop in the number of drink-driving accidents
in recent years with the number of fatal accidents for two consecutive years falling to
Verbs : came, led & falling
Many thanks.
回答 (4)
What is answer-001 talking about?
It is definitely something not related to the questions, and there are some blind-voters.
This is a simple sentence structure.
This bloody lesson, together with the frequent publicity during the period when the
law first came into effect, led to a large drop in the number of drink-driving accidents in recent years, with the number of fatal accidents for two consecutive years falling to zero.
[subject], [apposition], [main verb] [prepositional object], [prepositional phrase - adverbial].
note: apposition has to be offset with commas
came - the main verb (finite) of the relative clause "when the law first came into effect"
led - the main verb (finite) of the sentence (main clause)
falling - the verbal / participle (non-finite) of the prepositional phrase
2014-10-24 15:42:46 補充:
Example: a sentence with same structure
My mother, as well as my brother, listened to music with headphone, with the nearby construction site making tedious noise.
咁長好難睇,現設 "things reached fever pitch" 為 X,"the constraints they work under" 為 Y:
Only after X did the factories allow the foreign press in to see Y.
其實倒裝句只係將想強調o既資料放最前,吸引人注意。而 did 就好似問問題時加個 do 咁,tense 或第三身單數o既變化都去左 do 度。所以全句正常次序可以改寫成:
The factories allowed the foreign press in to see Y only after X. =>
The factories allowed the foreign press in to see the constraints they work under only after things reached fever pitch.
老實講,倒裝句唔係重點要學o既句法,因為較深,日常唔多見/用(除 so do I/ neither can I 等常用短句),多用則變得做作。
* * *
句中有多過一個動詞,係因為呢句係複句,當中包含不同句子,不足為怪。講時間、條件(when/while/before/after/if)時都成日用到(如 I won't go if you don't come out);而後面 the constraints they work under 其實係 defining relative clause,可以睇作 the constraints which they work under。
參考: 回答者:hkwaddle ( 博士級
This bloody lesson, together with the frequent publicity, during the period when the
law first came into effect, led to a large drop in the number of drink-driving accidents in recent years, (while) the number of fatal accidents for two consecutive years falling to zero.
收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:05:28
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