
2014-10-23 8:33 pm

回答 (3)

2014-10-24 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

常見會計師名銜有:CA:CharteredAccountant (考牌難度及範圍最大,專業地位亦最高)
CPA:Certified Public Accountant
CGA:Certified General Accountant
CIMA:Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (以企業財務、管理為主) 不知你的目標是什麼,但掌握語文能力不可少因要為人客寫建議。CIMA 有點商務知識會好點; 做到CA,可能要替公司上市,有點商務法律知識方便點。 利申:不是會計師,想的。
2014-10-24 3:30 pm
You should focus on financial planning.

Unlike in Hong Kong, CPAs around the world help their clients in financial planning (like tax avoidance, estate building, etc.)

In many instances, a licensed CPA can obtain an insurance license without exam and education.
2014-10-23 8:48 pm
你有搞錯嗎? 你係講會計師抑或會計文員,你識得分別嗎? 會計師有牌照有執照有自己公司,仲有可能係上市公司,唔係浪得虛名架,你唔好小看會計師,你要做會計師你就要好好裝備自已,冇十零廿年功力,係做唔到。

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