Karl Marx on communism?

2014-10-22 10:53 pm
Can anyone find a quoted speech by Marx where he advocates communism?

回答 (3)

2014-10-22 11:03 pm
I can find you an entire book where he outlines his ideas for a communist system.... but I don't know how many of his speeches were ever transcribed.
參考: "The Communist Manifesto." People seem to think of it as the equivalent of reading a "satanic bible"... as though reading it will somehow stain you.... but the truth is, his ideas were well thought out and his insights are still valid today. The trouble with his ideas....really comes from his lack of consideration for actual human nature.
2014-10-22 11:04 pm
He is the father of communism. Since communism is a derivation of what Marx preached, it was really put into practice by Lenin. LOL
2014-10-24 2:50 am
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
2014-10-22 10:58 pm

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