i'm working at UPS as a loader and everything hurts.. what can i do?

2014-10-22 8:05 pm

Ive been working as a loader for UPS and ever since i started 6 months ago my body aches everywhere and i average 10 hours of sleep a night. I was told my body would get used to it but its so hard.. and im only 21 years old and my back is killing me. Anyone else have a similar problem?

回答 (5)

2014-10-22 8:12 pm
if it still hurts after 6 months then i would try looking for a different position at UPS or find a different job. I work in manufacturing and was aching for the first couple months, but my body got used to it. Also im 22.
2014-10-27 11:22 pm
Are you using the 8 keys to lifting and lowering? If you are lifting correctly only your arms and legs should be sore and eventually you get used to that. If your back hurts you may have aggravated it by not lifting properly.
參考: UPS loader 10 years exp.
2014-10-22 9:16 pm
Probably you are lifting with your back instead of your legs, to begin with. Get someone to show you proper lifting and it should help. Don't bend at the waist and reach, bend your knees with your back relatively straight and then straighten your legs. Your body should get used to physical labor, but a sore back means you are abusing it.
2014-10-22 8:42 pm
Nothing...find an easier job.
2014-10-22 8:43 pm

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