
2014-10-23 5:39 am
you are asked to submit a one to two page essay on a particular problem in china they feel is important and outlining how entrepreneurship can solve this problem. Marks will also be awarded for awareness of XXX business model and the consumer need it addresses.


回答 (5)

2014-10-24 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文翻譯中文you are asked to submit a one to two page essay on a particular problem in china they feel is important and outlining how entrepreneurship can solve this problem. Marks will also be awarded for awareness of XXX business model and the consumer need it addresses.

2014-10-23 17:50:09 補充:
you are asked to submit a one to two page essay on a particular problem in china they feel is important and outlining how entrepreneurship can solve this problem. Marks will also be awarded for awareness of XXX business model and the consumer need it addresses means!!!!!!:


1 awareless:1.knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation意識

2. business model 商業模式

3. someone who buys and uses products and services 消費者

a wider choice of goods for the consumer 可供消費者選擇的品種更多的商品

4. To write on an envelope, package etc the name and address of the person you are sending it to 在〔信封﹑包裹等〕上寫姓名和地址

If you address the letter, I'll mail it for you. 如果你在信上寫上地址﹐我就替你寄出去。

2014-10-23 17:06:00 補充:
㊣☆★最佳答案: 假如你能夠表達商業模式同埋處理消費者需要, 就可以拿取一點額外分數了。


2014-10-23 7:48 pm
Marks will also be awarded for awareness of XXX business model and the consumer need it addresses.


award這裏是動詞will be awarded是"給"或"奬勵","also"指出除了基本要回答/論文寫作的內容外,這句想告訴你如何可以拿取一點額外分數。

1. 對XXX business model的awareness,
2. it(這XXX business model) 如何addresses consumer need.
2014-10-23 6:33 am
2014-10-23 6:04 am
參考: google翻譯

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