
2014-10-22 8:10 am
唔好意思,本人12年前因財務問題申請破產,而當時有一間居屋的50%業權被破案管理局充公, 而另50%屬於先生(沒有破產), 宜供款一直都有証明可全是老公供款,宜且間屋剛好在銀行按揭完畢。


那是否如估價樓價50% 後是90萬,宜12年的租金係60萬,那我是否只需支付30萬就能購回另一半業權?

回答 (3)

2014-10-22 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
2014-10-30 8:13 pm
hi 我正正幫客戶處理緊同樣CASE, 可以比D意見同方案你...
可CALL 我或whatapp 9373 1283 關小姐^^
2014-10-22 1:45 pm
1. No.

2. No. The Receiver, in this case, intends to ask you paying $1.2 million ($900,000 for the 50% and $300,000 for the rent).

In this case, you will need a lawyer in most of the case (unless you intend to pay, which I don't think so) as a legal battle seems unavoidable.

The detail (mortgage, bankruptcy, etc.) is a key in this case. However, since none of the information has been provided. It is difficult to say what can happen.

However, to avoid paying the large amount of lump sum to the Receiver, the only way is to challenge the ownership, which can't be done without a legal battle.

Due to extremely lack of information, it is difficult to say.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:00:16
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