Why welfare recipients who are assigned to community-service work should be paid minimum wage?

2014-10-21 11:01 pm

回答 (4)

2014-10-22 1:58 am
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Correction, should NOT be paid minimum wage.
They are not able to get hired at any job for minimum wage because they lack the skills, they have demonstrated they are not capable of showing up for work at a certain time, and doing what is required of a minimum wage worker.
They do not want to demean themselves by taking a burger-flip job, their family is tired of supporting them, so they have agreed to apply for TANF.
One or more of these points is true.

Additionally, "community service" means UNPAID.
The TANF is a gift from the taxpayers - for doing unpaid community service.

Money from TANF works out to $1.50 to $4.00 per hour, if it were pay for community service, but it isn't.
Hope this helps.
2014-10-22 3:16 am
I know there is a stigma of stupidity and laziness with welfare but there are educated people on welfare also due to losing their job and economy. They have kids to feed and the government keeps changing unemployment benefits. It's not all lazy people.
2014-10-21 11:01 pm
Slavery would have it no other way.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism
2014-10-21 11:07 pm
They shouldn't get minimum wage. Welfare is more profitable than work and it should be the other way around. Give people some incentive to work.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:01:22
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