So are UKIP officially the same as all the other parties then?

2014-10-21 8:43 pm
更新1: "Former South-East England MEP charged with fraud and misconduct"


How are their views "stronger" on democracy? Because going down the pub and drinking a pint is a stronger view on democracy? They have menifestos the same as all the other parties. Their last GE manifesto was described by Farage as "drivel" and he said the guy who wrote it was "an idiot", and he stood as leader on that "drivel". All I can see of a policy is "pull out of Europe and everything will be great". It won't be. Helmut Kohl said that to the Germans in 1990. It just wasn't great.


Oh, and you didn't answer anything about the fraud guy, even after UKIP said they were different because they didn't do fraud. They clearly do.


Patrick, this happened TODAY, 2st October 2014. General UKIP nonsense of just pretending none of this stuff happens.


21st October

回答 (4)

2014-10-22 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
UKIP will be even worse just like the BNP.
2014-10-21 9:46 pm
Same person, same question heavy with outdated facts, unable to find anything wrong with the party as it is today.
Believe it or not, party's can and do change, Labour, have changed into something that bares no relationship to any traditional value, the Tory's have changed from a party that pretended to care about the working man in public, but always acted in a way that demonstrated their absolute disdain for the ordinary person when behind closed doors, to a party that is so arrogant, they barely try to hide it any more.
The Liberal democrats are changing from a policy free, gutless bunch of wannabe's to a policy free, gutless bunch of has been's (after May 2015).

UKIP have grown beyond recognition, they have necessarily had to shed people who in the beginning appeared to be on message, but who, have become a liability, those that were closet racists have been found out and removed. Yes an MEP did fiddle the system. They too are gone.

How many Tory and Labour MP's were caught out for fiddling expenses, how many are still at it. What happened to most of them, two thirds of jack all, except the hand full who were properly punished and imprisoned.
I think about 11 Labour MP's not sure about the Tory's but they have very close friends in very high places.
How about Hazel Blears, fiddled £20K, said oops so clearly could not add up or do her accounting properly, paid it back and all is well, in fact so well, she is on the Commons select committee for Intelligence and Security.

The Lib Dem send down for planting a pipe bomb? You want any more.
If you are going to attack a party for things that are not right, and perhaps you should as indeed we all should, but at least have the honesty to look into the matter first, "he who seeks equity, comes with clean hands" etc;

UKIP will happily stand with all the other party's and play a game of one for one, announcing the criminal, or otherwise inappropriate actions of their members. I guarantee, they will be the first to run out of names. Labour and the Tory's would still be listing them for quite a long while.

Of course if we involve other dodgy habits, the Lib dems will still be going long after everyone has gone to bed.

Love Britain, Vote UKIP.

In answer to your comment

It has been known about for some time.

The rest of what I said applies 100%. You clearly like facts, and I have no problem with that, but it is two way street, you cannot ignore the mountain of facts about the other party's and think that one bad egg should be a reason to discount UKIP in its entirety. Saying that, you probably will any way, but that is up to you.
2014-10-22 11:31 am
Yes. They have become a real political force.

They will now be forced to be PC.

Remember the last General Election where the major parties all agreed NOT to make immigration an election issue. Now they have spawned UKIP and are to pay the price.
2014-10-21 9:02 pm
No they are not. They are a new and growing party with stronger views on what democracy really means. They have a manifesto on their website alongside lots of other info on what their policies and views are, have a look and you should find out all you need to know.

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