為何不能在 Yahoo奇摩 作答

2014-10-21 11:04 pm
我用呢個 HK yahoo account 去 Yahoo奇摩 作答, 彈左張form出泥, click左 "申請", 但冇反應, 停留 "申請" 果頁, 唔通要另開一個新 email 先得?

如果我可以用呢個 account 去 Yahoo奇摩 作答, 要點做?
please step by step, Thank you!

回答 (2)

2014-10-21 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這是 yahoo 設定的問題, 因為你近期才開戶, 香港的 account 如果想在奇摩作答, 投票, 評論都會出現你這情況, 完全沒有反應, 不知 yahoo 是否不讓兩地知識友交流還是系統沒人管好, 沒有任何方法, 唯一如你所說, 在奇摩開一個新 account 吧!
2014-10-21 11:22 pm
Try clearing all the cookies and internet history before trying again.

You don't need to do anything in order to participate at the Taiwanese side.

2014-10-22 16:44:28 補充:
Have you tried any activities (like voting or commet) and see if the Taiwan side allows you?

See if you can contact Yahoo as well:


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