How Often Do you Visit McDonald?

2014-10-20 2:10 pm

回答 (97)

2014-10-20 2:12 pm
I go over to their house about every 1 to 2 weeks. They are a friendly family that loves to eat tacos.
2014-10-22 3:33 pm
Maybe twice a year (breakfast and lunch)
2014-10-21 6:54 pm
I get coffee or iced coffee from them at least twice a week, I eat McD food maybe twice a month.
2014-10-21 12:14 am
About once or twice a day.
2014-10-20 5:05 pm
Never. There food is filth
2014-12-30 10:46 am
5-8 times a month
2014-12-30 8:34 am
5-8 times a month
2014-12-30 3:51 am
Once a week
2014-12-29 9:37 am
About 5 times a week.
2014-12-28 6:26 am
2014-12-28 5:53 am
Once a week
2014-12-24 10:48 am
2014-12-24 4:40 am
Once a week
2014-12-22 7:59 pm
Once a year
2014-12-22 3:24 pm
About 5 times a week.
2014-12-22 5:36 am
Once a year
2014-12-21 11:55 am
2014-12-17 5:23 am
Once a week
2014-12-15 7:59 am
Once a week
2014-12-15 6:23 am
2014-12-12 6:48 am
Once a week
2014-12-04 3:42 am
once a year
2014-11-22 6:59 am
2014-11-22 5:35 am
2014-11-21 7:37 am
2014-11-20 10:03 pm
Once a week
2014-11-20 6:50 pm
2014-11-20 1:29 pm
2014-11-20 10:36 am
2014-11-20 9:40 am
2014-11-20 5:32 am
Once a week
2014-11-16 8:36 pm
Once a week
2014-11-16 12:41 pm
Once a week
2014-11-16 11:34 am
2014-11-16 10:05 am
2014-11-16 7:59 am
2014-11-16 3:04 am
2014-11-16 2:19 am
Once a week
2014-11-15 11:57 pm
2014-11-11 10:52 am
2014-11-11 4:24 am
Once a week
2014-11-11 1:42 am
2014-11-10 7:24 am
2014-11-10 4:36 am
2014-11-08 4:02 am
Once a week
2014-11-07 7:51 pm
2014-11-07 3:09 am
Once a week
2014-11-06 2:18 pm
2014-11-04 8:46 am
Once a week
2014-11-04 8:21 am
2014-11-04 3:44 am
2014-11-01 5:59 am
2014-10-26 8:45 pm
Never, it is disgusting.
2014-10-26 7:18 pm
2014-10-25 11:26 pm
Only when nothing else sounds good or I have very little time to eat... but even then I usually don't because I'm a vegetarian and a lot of their food contains meat in one way or another
2014-10-25 8:18 pm
Ive never gone.because I live in Iraq.
2014-10-25 12:32 pm
about 4 times in a month
2014-10-25 8:07 am
Once a never.
2014-10-24 10:04 pm
about 4 or 6 times a year when traveling.
2014-10-24 8:56 pm
my mom hasnot taken me to micky d in 9+ years and I have not eaten there in 3
2014-10-24 5:42 am
several times a week
2014-10-23 8:00 pm
once a year
2014-10-23 4:34 pm
2014-10-23 12:57 pm
never in my life.
2014-10-23 9:40 am
around 15 days one time
2014-10-23 2:41 am
A couples times a month
2014-10-23 2:38 am
2014-10-22 7:13 pm
2014-10-22 9:28 am
Once a year
2014-10-22 8:28 am
once a year
2014-10-22 7:33 am
2014-10-22 6:50 am
once a year
2014-10-22 5:38 am
Once a week
2014-10-22 5:18 am
once a year
2014-10-22 5:13 am
Once a year
2014-10-22 4:29 am
a time one week
2014-10-22 4:03 am
evry 20 year or one in my life time ,i do not eat S**
2014-10-22 3:47 am
5-8 times a month
2014-10-21 11:32 pm
About once a year.
2014-10-21 10:38 pm
Hmm... Probaly about 5 to 6 times a week.
2014-10-21 10:09 pm
Never cause its horrible filth
2014-10-21 6:04 pm
once in a lifetime is enough
2014-10-21 3:38 pm
Depends on my mood and cravings. I always crave for their cheeseburger so I visit about 3 times a week. But now I visit once a week. I promised not to eat a lot of fastfoods. *fingerscrossed*
2014-10-21 1:02 pm
Not a proper answer, but depends if I'm in the mood for it. I'm not going to lie, my favorites have to be the McChicken, fries every now and then, and iced coffee. So, to answer correctly, like 2-3 a month.
2014-10-21 12:52 pm
once a year
2014-10-21 6:54 am
When I get a stupid gift card for my birthday or other occasions.
2014-10-21 6:20 am
once a week.
2014-10-21 3:23 am
Once every year
2014-10-21 2:42 am
Maybe once or twice a year now
2014-10-21 2:25 am
About 5 times a week.
2014-10-21 2:19 am
Once or twice a week
2014-10-20 9:28 pm
I get coffee or iced coffee from them at least twice a week, I eat McD food maybe twice a month.
2014-10-20 9:12 pm
Maybe once every couple of months. I'm too cheap to eat their regularly.
2014-10-20 7:41 pm
When I'm in Asia maybe once a month
It's been over seven years since I've been to one State side
2014-10-20 5:31 pm
5-8 times a month
2014-10-20 3:21 pm
its been three years since I've eaten there.
2014-10-22 6:37 pm
I dont belive you people only eat it once or twice a month... thats bull. I eat it twice a week ish.

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