I want to ask how can i not letting my school wifi know what i am doing in the computer?

2014-10-20 8:27 am

回答 (5)

2014-10-20 11:44 am
The school's WiFi will be intended for school work. If you are doing something else, don't use their WiFi.
2014-10-20 9:07 am
Wait until you get home to do that kind of computer things. Use the computer at school for homework like it is designed for.
2014-10-22 6:20 am
Maybe you could use Google and go incognito. That way there will be no way anyone can track you after you close ALL of the tabs.
2014-10-20 3:09 pm
They will know.But if you don't like this idea don't do anything illegal.
2014-10-20 8:29 am
My school wifi blocks Facebook, Youtube, forums etc. Therefore, i use VPN to connect Facebook. Im afraid that my school can track it and block my VPN. What should i do now?

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