Most of them are false.
1. "香港永久性居民其實係冇中國國籍"
False. Many Permanent Residents are Chinese citizens, but not all of them. A few exceptions are:
a. Those who have renounced the citizenship;
b. Those who are not Chinese-descent and have granted British citizenship through British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act, 1997.
2. "大家手上所拎住既香港特區護照其實冇講過香港人係持有中國國籍"
No. The Identification page says the holder is a Chinese:
3. "這只是一本旅遊證件而已, 換句話說你去到其他國家出左任何事,
False. At the least, if you have lost your "travel document" in a foreign country, the Chinese embassies and consulates will need to issue a "travel document" for you to exit the country. However, they have no obligation when you are in a country that you also hold the nationality.
4. "事實上香港永久性居民係連申請中國護照的資格都沒有"
HKSAR Passport is a form of Chinese Passport, issued by the Immigration Department under the authority of Central Government.
5. " 3:30開始"
This audio was originated in 2008 (uploaded this year).
a. Russia Federation granted visa-free travel to HKSAR Passport holders in 2009 without the involvement of the Central Government:
Since 2012. Chinese (Mainland) Passport holders can only travel visa-free in a group tour:
b. The U.K. has never explicitly granted right to abode to BDTC or BN(O) Passport holders. See here for the detail:
c. Hong Kong does not recognize multiple nationalities, but allows. See here:
d. Here is the list of cases at the International Court of Justice at the Hague:
Only 2 cases related to the U.K. and none of them involved nationality.
(European Court of Justice is located at Luxembourg.)