This happened earlier today outside Romulas Michigan near an airport, we were driving down a busy road than i looked ahead and saw five army humvees traveling in the same lane as each other, i was actually surprised to see them, i mean if it was just one than ok but i saw five of them. What are they used for? Im used to seeing them in wars never in a busy city. Police state?
Because there are National Guard and Reserve armories all over the place. When those people are doing drill they're sometimes out driving places. What is this the first time you've ever seen military vehicles out? I see them pretty frequently.
5 Humvees loaded with guys who probably didn't even have weapons, and if they did they were unloaded, is a "police state" to you? Wow. You should check out an actual police state, like North Korea.
Its called a convoy. I see many military vehicles all the time. Any CSM can sign off on an off post dispatch. How are troops going to know how to drive in the cities overseas if they never drove off post in the US?