ain't no 同to be 形容詞

2014-10-19 10:06 am
ain't 點解要加no 我見有d句子係咁用 我想係咩用法??

之後係個to be 問題
you make me happy 點解e個唔洗加to be
咁點解唔係you make me be happy ?

who could not be named 佛地魔 點解要用not be thx

回答 (1)

2014-10-21 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1) "ain't + no" is a double negative used to convey a negative meaning, e.g. "he ain't no angel" (meaning: he is definitely not pure and innocent like an angel). This is informal English, which is grammatically incorrect, but widely used among the less educated, or sometimes used deliberately even by an educated person during verbal conversations, to emphasize a point.

(2) "you make me happy" does not require "to be" or "be" before the adjective because in this sentence the adjective (happy) is used as an object complement, which follows directly after the object (me), and qualifies it.

3 ) In "who could not be named 佛地魔 " , "not be" is used with the modal verb "could" to form a passive voice.
參考: My past learning

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