
2014-10-19 3:55 am
Thank you very much. Can I be cheeky and get you to swap the names around to have the pink bird over my name?!!

imagine the picture is like this now, 即係佢想點改?

a bird image (tan) _____ a bird image (pink)

Mary & Edmond (black)

Date (black)

Mary said : Thank you very much. Can I be cheeky and get you to swap the names around to have the pink bird over my name?!! imagine the picture look like this: tan bird image........pink bird image ...........Mary & Edmond.......... ...................Date.................... 即係 Mary 想點改?

回答 (2)

2014-10-19 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
That is, swapping the position of the names ....as:

Edmond & Mary
2014-10-20 8:17 pm
Dustin完全答中呀! Mary亦對修改相當滿意, 請不要隨便給 負面/普通 評價. 這對答題者不公平, 也不尊重. 當然我也會反醒並改進自己的發問技巧, 希望果幾位"神秘人"會珍惜一下 Yahoo知識+ 這個社區, 你地可能係一時意氣, 並非刻意惡意, 但對好多人來說, 這是很好的尋求知識的地方, 別再針對講英文的人了.

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