what car should i get for my first car, i was thinking to get a second hand car but i have no idea what to choose.?

2014-10-18 12:35 am

i'm 17 and just want to get a good looking, cheap, and nice car

回答 (5)

2014-10-18 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
You said you want small. The reason insurance is high on certain vehicles is because some are high performance. For example a Corvette will have very high insurance as opposed to a Ford Explorer. Get what you like and afford. Talk to an insurance agent and tell them the cars you like and they can help you narrow down your choices.
2014-10-19 1:10 am
Mazda 3
2014-10-18 11:24 pm
Think of dependability and affordability. Personally, I would look at older Chevy and Toyota for gas mileage and stay clear of the turbo's which break down and cost a fortune to fix.
2014-10-18 1:12 am
2014-10-18 12:41 am
Visit a few used car lots then look around, really. See what cars you like, see the prices too.

It also all depends on your price range and do you want a coupe, sedan, or suv, etc.......

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:19:10
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