If a girl is interested in a guy and says YES to a date, does she tell her friends?

2014-10-17 7:42 pm
We are going on a date next Friday. She told me on the phone last night how she is excited.. and she said her friend has been to the same place.. so I'm assuming she discussed the date with her friend. Prior to me asking her to go to this place next week, she did not know it existed.

回答 (7)

2014-10-17 7:52 pm
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YES. It means she likes you.
2014-10-17 7:47 pm
Of course we do and after the date we say every single Tiny detail how you talk how you eat how you laugh at our joke so be careful as if our friends liked our date the guy we dated will have a big chance to continue to the next steps in another words you must get the love of the pride maids before the pride herself
2014-10-17 7:44 pm
Yes, usually she will tell her close friends. She can also choose to keep it personal. However, anytime you go on a date, you should always tell one person for safety reasons.
2014-10-17 7:43 pm
Yes, very often they tell their friends.
2016-03-11 9:41 am
Well, with girls, it's pretty clear. If a guy asks us out on a date, even if we've been friends, we know something is up. Especially if he's been obvious about his feelings all along. And if we say "yes", then we're interested in seeing what might happen, too. She may not be raving in love with you yet, but obviously she's interested in taking it to the next level. Providing you've got the goods. That means if you want this chick to really fall for you, you need to be more than just her friend. Being her friend gives you an "in" on things she likes, intimate ways to make her happy and to really make that date a springboard for what might be in store if she makes you her one and only dude. You're pretty lucky. Usually if a girl has a guy for a friend and a friend only, that's all he'll ever be. In this case, the girl is yours to lose, as the saying goes. Go for it, Romeo!
2014-10-17 9:13 pm
Yes, she does, especially if she is excited.
2014-10-17 7:55 pm
Sure she will. But you better not screw things up by talking to her during the next 7 days. You don't want to accidentally say anything stupid or give her any reason to cancel the date. Right?

If she contacts you, reply "Hey, Susie. Let's save the conversation for the date when I can look in your pretty eyes."

If you happen to see her in person, be polite and cheerful, but get away from her within 60 seconds.

Girls get more excited as the date approaches. You don't want to look lame by "checking in" with her or using up your good stories before the date and then having nothing to talk about.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:33:46
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