what happens during a mediation with the bank, when you are negotiating money and refinace to prevent a foreclosure.?

2014-10-17 4:03 pm

Savings account is high, does that count?


Inherited lots of money


What else?

回答 (2)

2014-10-17 4:25 pm
If you have a lot of savings, why were you unable or unwilling to pay the mortgage?
2014-10-17 4:08 pm
Banks only consider black and red numbers, You could be the nicest guy on earth trying to save orphans, but if the bank does not like the black and red numbers they will ultimately foreclose, unless you offer them something....

I suggest you go and find yourself some tenants, and check all the legal stuff - and create an income from the property and tell the bank that is what you intend, those are BLACK numbers, and the bank might well decide its cheaper and probably more profitable for them to refinance, however with banks i have found they can be complete douches.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:14:40
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