Truancy Laws?

2014-10-17 2:24 pm
I'm a junior and I'm late to school pretty much everyday. School starts at 7:40 and I get there around 8-9:30. I know about the truancy but would being late everyday cause them to come and take me out of the house?

回答 (3)

2014-10-17 4:28 pm
Being tardy adds up to total days missed quickly. In my area, this is what happens.

You and parents wind up talking to someone, not sure who. This someone sets up a very strict plan for you - and your parents - to follow. If it fails, then parents may see jail time and you are whisked off to a foster home where you *will* be getting your @$$ to school on time.
2014-10-17 3:42 pm
you could be looking at repeating the entire school year - why are you late every day? I doubt I was late for school 5 times in 17 yrs including college
2014-10-17 3:33 pm
Possibly, you are close to two hours late on a daily basis. Most likely, they'll hold you back a year too.

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