
2014-10-17 8:08 pm

回答 (2)

2014-10-17 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
物業轉名須由律師辦理「送贈契」的手續。基於轉名涉及利益轉讓, 即使並沒有錢銀上的轇轕, 但仍要支付釐印費。 釐印費是按照稅務局的評估而定 , 整個過程大約需時一個月左右。
2014-10-17 9:46 pm
Sorry for your loss first.

(Based on the following question you asked, I have to assume that your mother has been deceased:


You will have to follow the process at here:


In this case, I will suggest you to find a lawyer. Once the probate is completed, the court will issue an order allowing the inheritance. But you will still need a lawyer to take care of all the legal document for the transfer.

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