What does it mean to download a game from www.game.co.uk ?

2014-10-16 3:51 pm
I want to buy the game Kirby triple deluxe for the Nintendo 3DS system. Because the game is £34 to download on Nintendo E-shop, I browsed www.game.co.uk looking to see if I could find the game pre-owned/ at a cheaper price.

While looking, I noticed that there were options to both buy the game new or to "Download" it.(both options only costing £27) I'm not sure what is meant by this; does this mean that I will be given a code to download the game with? and if so, will the code me given to me via e-mail or will I have to a Game shop and pick up my code from there?

I would just like to make sure I know what i'm getting into before I spend money. Can someone explain this to me please?

回答 (3)

2014-10-16 4:01 pm
I think it means you get a code by e-mail, and you have to activate it in the Nintendo E-shop. If you're not a 100% sure, just contact the webshop. I'm sure they're happy to help you, if you don't get a clear answer then just do what feels best, either buy it somewhere else or just get it there.
2014-10-16 3:54 pm
It is a 3DS eShop code that is emailed to you.
2014-10-16 7:07 pm

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