
2014-10-15 5:10 pm
1 ,Are you tired of having your computer crash in the middle of a project? Do you want a computer that won’t freeze when you run advanced software? Well, now there is an answer!

Answer 1:Story 2:Rhetorical question 3:Statisitcs

2 ,Here at Apple, we know that designers need a reliable operating system so that they can deliver their best work to clients on time and without frustration. And we know that running programs like AutoCAD, InDesign or Dreamweaver can slow down most computers, or even cause them to stop working. Answer

Answer 1:Expressing compliments 2:Acknowledging opposite views 3:Identifying with audience

3 ,I’m here to tell you about a revolutionary new computer from Apple and how it can change the way you work and create.

Answer 1:Stating purpose 2:Summarzing 3:Switching directions

4 ,Now we are very happy to introduce the next generation of computing: MacBook Millenium. This compact and lightweight laptop features the highest-definition retina display ever, twice the memory of the MacBook Pro, and 5G connectivity.

Answer 1:Describing specical features 2:Introducing theme 3: Expressing apologies

5 ,Other models often freeze or shut down, making you lose important work, and cutting you off from colleagues and clients during important jobs or consultations. MacBook Millenium is 50% faster than other computers so that you can run many programs simultaneously. It also has total data recall, so you will never lose a project again. Finally, the better connectivity means you can work and chat with colleagues and clients around the world with absolutely no time delay

Answer 1:Expressing apologies 2:Presenting solutions with benefits 3:Describing special features

6 ,We are sure that you will find MacBook Millenium to be the best tool for your needs. In fact, if you are unhappy with its performance, we will give you a full refund.

Answer 1:Apologetic tone 2:Confident tone 3:Humorous tone

回答 (6)

2014-10-15 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
選擇題…有幾難呢?可能係你理解英文的程度比問題低/或者識字少…要透多讀和估意思來訓練自己:以上簡略重點和答案選項的主旨讓你越過唔識英文字詞的障礙,但你要自己重看英文句加強組織理解力。1. 你用電腦和用軟件工作時會想電腦死機嗎? 我有辦法…Answer: 這句是 a.講故事 b.修辭問句(或反詰句) c.統計2. 在APPLE,我哋都明白啲designer需要一部穩定運作他們的設計軟件唔會越做越慢或甚停止運行的電腦才能交貨給客戶。Answer: 這句是 a. 表達投訴 b. 認同相反意見 c. 理解聽眾/觀眾/讀者的情況3. 讓我告訴你APPLE的革新電腦如何改變你的工作。Answer: 這句是 a. 講出目的 b.總結 c. 改變方向4. 讓我介紹新一代的macbook millenium…小巧高清,是macbookpro的雙倍記 憶量,以及行5G。Answer: 這句是 a. 形容獨特性能 b.介紹引言 c. 表示道歉5. 其他的電腦會停機斷線,macbook millenium運行快50%並且可以同時運行多個軟件程式,還有資料重生功能使你永遠不會失去資料。仲有最佳連線使你跟人保持溝通。Answer: 這句是 a. 表示道歉b.講解解決問題方法和好處 c. 形容獨特性能6. 我哋肯定你會覺得macbook millenium係最好的。假如你發現唔對版可以原銀奉還(退款)。Answer: 這句是 a.道歉語氣b.有信心語氣c. 講笑/幽默語氣
參考: 求學唔應該只求abc
2014-10-18 6:24 pm
1, Answer 2:Rhetorical question
2, Answer 3:Identifying with audience
3, Answer 1:Stating purpose
4, Answer 1:Describing specical features
5, Answer 2:Presenting solutions with benefits
6, Answer 2:Confident tone
參考: myself
2014-10-23 4:16 pm
Question 2. Answer 1:Expressing compliments
Jenkin 將 compliment 解 “投訴”
不是解 ”稱讚,恭維” 嗎?

選擇題在識的人是 a piece of cake, 在不識的人來說, immensely difficult
It is dangerous to make a sweeping generalization about the "multiple choice".

謝謝小草, I couldn't agree more!
2014-10-20 7:00 pm
2014-10-15 8:18 pm
1,, 2:Rhetorical question

2,, 1:Expressing compliments

3. 1:Stating purpose

4. 2:Introducing theme

5. 2:Presenting solutions with benefits

6. 2:Confident tone

請您check 下對不對
2014-10-17 12:05 am

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